Today i am dam jag.... the day in school affected the rest of my day....
Today after school i DAM jag... was breaking in class.. hopping on one handedhandstand.. on the third hop, i hopped ON my fouth finger....DAM pain...therefore i cannot fold the finger properli...dam jag so i golf oso cannot play, bboying oso cannot... oh my son... and type oso dam slow... have to type less on the 4th finger... wad a jagday!!!!
dam jag... in a funny way... -_- =D
nowadays got a lot of internet problems... cannot go online fer 4 days, so i will come online in lilke once in 5 days or so... except on fri sat and sun should be different..
today is great.. holy spirit.
i dont know how to describe it... but it is the holy spirit came into me... and i felt weak. i dont know to control or to release, so i did a partial release.. after praying fer a long time till i was breathless.... i got up and got back to my seat, knocking on chairs and stairs... too giddy.. hahahahaha but it rocks.... today rocks.. i cannot describe it.. it is not like some one-time thing.. but it is more like gradual, making such an impact on my life.. that is how it is today...
the common test is coming up. i shall show God's love through me. I am gonna print notes for my friends. Love them as they are my brothers and sisters. I shall help them with all strength coz they are my brothers and sisters.
O christians, show your love, O God, save us all, Help us all, O holy spirit be with us as you are always everywhere, everytime, and let us see your presence and know that you are near.. Amen...
now i wan to talk a bit about the end times.... earthquakes have occurred in this reigon, and there are many earthquakes that have occured in this reigon, but the bible say that "earthquakes will occur in various places......all these things must happen, but the end is yet to come" in matthew 24. Prophecy of the end time. O behold for the temple of Jerusalem will fall, O behold that after that the river of Euphrates will dry up, O behold for there will be wars and rumours of wars, behold that many people will die of disasters. All these must happen, but the end is still to come. The earthquakes and wars are just beginning of birth pains, the end is yet to come. Do you see how close are we to the end? Do you see all these evidence that are leading to the end of the age? The end is still to come, behold, as it is like there are 2 women in the field, one will be taken, the other left behind, like 2 men labouring, one will be taken, the other one left behind. this is the rapture. The end is yet to come
The end is coming.
very near, too close, too near
Purpose of life
I ask you, WAD ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING ON THIS EARTH? You say: to live.
and i ask you WAD IS YOUR PURPOSE OF LIVING IN THIS EARTH? you say: to work to earn money or study so you can go to college or get a job.
then i ask WAD IS THE MEANING OF EARNING MONEY AND GETTING A GOOD JOB? you say, to support your family, live a good life.
Then i say YOU ARE TO DIE ONE DAY. YOU MEAN ALL THESE ARE TEMPORARY? THAT YOU ENJOY FOR 90 YEARS OR SO THEN THEY GO OFF? this time you think for a very long time. you have no answer.
wad i am trying to say is, if you do not have christ in your life, you are basically a man without aim, the only aims u see are those in front of your eyes: college, money, sex, sports. but wad would you think when i ask you WAD ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING HERE AND WHY ARE U HERE? you cannot answer. Before i became a christian, i found no answer on what on earth am i doing here. When i became one, i found the purpose, and this things called peace, love, truth and joy became introduced to me.
Let me tell you. Toil is MEANINGLESS. a chase after the wind. Work for money is MEANINGLESS. chase after the wind. You may have all the riches in the world. But if you do not have a clear purpose, it is MEANINGLESS. who do u live for? no answer. no purpose. Society says that you work, for society, to sustain the economy. But i ask the economy, WAD ARE ALL THESE FIANANCES ABOUT? IF IT DIES, WAD USE WOULD IT BE? CAN IT STILL BRING RICHES, SUSTAIN LIFE? and IS IT STILL NEEDED?
Think about it. It helps. I not asking you to kill yourself. Beware of your life. i will talk more about it
anyway... i didnt achieve my aims... but i got fast crickets, pure crickets, hollows, sandwiches and 90s... not so good.. tml i try to get cont mills... nvr do ONE round mill fer some time le... hahaha juz prac today oni... juz try to do it... ask God for helpp can le... his will be donw on earth as it is in heaven.
praise the Lord for all the bboying that i got.
there is sth i wan to tell christians:
Christians, i noe you know about God. By grace you are saved, by love did he die. When we win another soul, ask god for help, dont try to do it with your own strength... this is sth that i need to practice also.
There is still sth i wan to tell... but i keep forgeting....
anw... pray for my phlegm please!!!! bad lungs.... cannot do PE...
Anw today i fasted... firstly coz i wan to, secondly coz i TOT de church will gather us today fer some fasting thing.. so i fasted. When i go there and found out, i was dam shocked! but i didnt break fast..Praise the Lord!! After tt i go home, it was 90 mins to break fast i didnt feel hungry but i was dam jag i saw a bottle of peanuts den juz opened to taste it and i SWALLOWED IT!!!! i chewed on 5 or so, but spit out three.. TWO WENT INSIDE!!!! DAM JAG.... sighhh LOL but i noe god forgave me larh.. i repented, and it was pure ACCIDENT!!!!! dam JAG!!! den later i broke fast at 3.25, coz i didnt take note of time... and i ate apple that is stored in the freezer lol... tts how de day ended.
Glory to be to the Lord!
i dont want to stray again off sundays, pray for me brothers and sisters.
why did god do that? he got all of heaven, he got all of angels, but why did he send his son to die?
coz he loved us. he is willing to sacrifice his son so that we all could go back and reconcile with him. by grace we are saved, by love did he sacrifice, by hope did we live. Coz he loved us, did we love one another. Love. Strong evidence of christianity. Treat every one as your brother or sister. Love them. Think of them, love them, care about them, forgive them, and don't just pretend that you don't know if your neighbour is in trouble. Help him, as if it is yourself.
Love is what made us praise our neighbours, encourage them, forgive them, care about them, think about them. Science cannot measure love.
Love and goodness be with me all the days of my life.
Today was great... after sch, we all sessioned fer 1 hour in class, with EDMUD BACK!!! WOO!!! he didnt lose his bounciness!!!! he did crickets like there was nothing!!! oh my son.. PRAISE THE LORD FOR SUCH A FAST RECOVERY ON HIM!!!!
after sessioning, we went to Jurong recreation center fer a kobayashi (i duno how to spell) lunch... tried tt omellete set, at first thot tt it aint filling, but i was WRONG.
haha den i came home, dam tired liao, slp from 5.55 to 6.55... tt means patching up 2 hours of awake time. Practised chairs and figure 4 chairs and it was good, because that i did by the power of the Lord, not me...
Goodness and love be with me all the days of my life. Peace had been with me today. Let it be for tomorrow.

Another day
Something strange today.
When i woke up, i felt joy, no idea why i felt it, but it is that type of joy that a christian experienced. a new day, a great day for bboying (breakdancing). No idea why, juz happened.
In the afternoon, i went to visit my grandpa's grave. I felt sad as i never seen him in my life before, nor had he seen me. He died in the 80's.
went there, pluck leaves, and burn this and that. when it came my turn to place the joss stix, i remembered wad i should do. I held them in my hands, juz looked at the tomb with respect fer my grandpa. But one thing. i never bowed.
After tt visit is over, i went home and break.. it was FANTASTIC. i got more groundrock, and i got SANDWICHES!!!WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!
The Lord gave me joy. AMEN THAT RESULTED TO SOMETHING PRAISE THE LORDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No matter what happens i am walking your way Lord.
1 april
today another day of ncc... in sch now updating this blog if i got caught nothing will happen.... anw... i rilli hope to get more ppl to christ. a need for it done ny a vision.'
i oso need to do my english project today.
10 more days to 11 april. Day of defeat
Thread chairs
Sandwich (almost done)
continuous mills (almost done)
4 Jacks
pure crickets (almost done)
10 more days, that means 4/14 days are over.
dam need to work hard. ask the Lord