Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1 comments

Hey guys. I call it off for this site. My new blog site is


I will be bloggin at that site. So it's literally MOVED.

I will still blog at this site, but very seldom, only for some purposes.

So my blog is MOVED to

This stupid misconceptions on christians and men with long hair. From ""
Thursday, January 05, 2006 0 comments

Men with long hair is something some Christians don't like at all. So I thought I'd have to cover this issue to get rid of all misconceptions concerning this by some so controversial issue.
Some even say that it's unbiblical to have long hair and refer to the verse <1> Does not even nature itself teach you, that if a man has long hair, it's a shame unto him? -->

BUT to understand this scripture we need to understand what the situation was like in Corinth. At this time Corinth was known for it's immorality and perversity and the men that were sexual perverted had long hair. Paul that wrote this letter didn't want the men in the church to be taken for perverted and that's why he wrote these words.

So this is NOT God's commandment to all people throughout all times, but Paul's SPECIAL ADVICE for the people in Corinth, at that time!

Another interesting thing is that the whores in Corinth had short hair or shaven heads and Paul didn't want the people in church to be taken for whores so that's why he told the females in church to not cut their hair off. <1> Again that was Paul's SPECIAL ADVICE for the women in Corinth in that time and NOT God's commandment to all Christians throughout all times.

With this thing clarified, let's look into another scripture that talks about long hair. The LORD said to Moses, "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: If a man or woman wants to make a special vow, a vow of separation to the LORD as a Nazirite, he must abstain from wine and other fermented drink and must not drink vinegar made from wine or from other fermented drink. He must not drink grape juice or eat grapes or raisins.

As long as he is a Nazirite, he must not eat anything that comes from the grapevine, not even the seeds or skins. During the entire period of his vow of separation no razor may be used on his head. He must be holy until the period of his separation to the LORD is over; he must let the hair of his head grow long.

This scripture talks about the Nazirites. The Nazirites were people that had devoted themselves to God and given Him a pledge. As a sign of their pledge they didn't drank wine and they LET THEIR HAIR GROW LONG!! Yeah, they let their hair grow long and their long hair was the outer sign to people around them that they had devoted themselves to God. Their long hair was the SIGN OF HOLINESS to speak clear!

(Samson was a Nazirite from the moment he was born. He let his hair grow and didn't cut it, and through God that was a source of his strength. But when he played with his annointing and cut his hair he immediately loosed his strength. Another man in the Bible that seems to have been a Nazirite was the prophet Zamuel. <1>)
So here we see that God have nothing against long hair. The Bible also saids clearly that God doesn't look on our outer look but He looks at our hearts! <1> So God doesn't care if you have long or short hair, what's important isn't your hairlength but that you are living for Him.

To sum it up we can see that God have nothing against men having long hair. So if you want to look real Metal, do as the Nazirites, grow your hair out and grow it long!

This article is taken from

How long it takes
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 0 comments

Is it a month, or another year?
Is it a word, or a prophecy?
Said many months before?
Told two milleniums ago?

Is it a superstition, another fear?
Is it a verdict, or a statement?
Is it written, is it spoken?
Is it a word from You?

If it is You,
I'll wait over the dawn's dew,
Over the evening's sky,
Over the night's stars.

However long it require,
Is how long I'll stand.
Till the end of the age.
The hope doesn't fade.

As far as the oceans spread.
I will take it as bread.
Your word, Your promise.
The truth, the hope.

Because you never failed me,
Because you never framed me.
How long it takes?
It'll be how long I wait.

Bboy 2006-2009 aims
Tuesday, January 03, 2006 0 comments

Get by end of 2006:
3 rds of 90s
Busting flares
Circles (1.5 round)
1 handed handstand hold
1 handed solars
Forearm Lback, hollow, invert hold
Super piked chairs hold
At least double my present combos
Plant walking handstand
More airchair drops
Walking crickets
Spinning airchair

Get by end of 2007: (17)
5-power combo
UFO(1.5 rounds)
1 handed handstand
handcompacted Lbacks
A lot of toprock and downrock

Get by end of 2008:(18)
7-power combo
1 per round crickets
Handglide stab-airchair-forearm-handstand-airchair
Busting airflares
handcompacted lback, hollows, inverts
Forearm-Forearm handstand-handstand with simultaneous Lback, hollow, invert, any 2.
1 handed handstand
UFOS (3 rounds or so)
Chair eclipses

Get by end of 2009:(army year)
Busting UFOs
Busting eggbeaters
Busting 1 per rd crickets
Busting Airflares
Busting 7-power combos
Busting solars
Busting Circle-flare combos
Busting planches and pushups
Busting stab-forearm-handstand combos
Busting style like crazy
Busting 90s
Unstabbed chairs
Chair eclipse-forearm eclipse-solars combo

Bboy 2005 review
Monday, January 02, 2006 0 comments

What I lost:


What I got:

More than 8 combos.
2 Elbow drops.
One flare (got that on 31st).
2 per round crickets.
3 jackhammers.. bleh...
90s (fast but 1 rd)
Airchairs, 8 second airchairs.

The hardcore season:

March to mid-april
Mid August-mid september

The super hardcore season:
BOTY camp till now.


Edmund, Daniel Song, Xinfu, and me.

Crew changes:

Edmund became a christian,
Edmund goes powerhead, but one with style.
XF goes balanced, in combos, style, power.
Song goes popper and style.
I go freeze and combos, but yet to get style.

Crew new breaking grounds:

The dome.
ACS room 211.

Crew performances:

Revolution concert-12 march 2005
Mephisto's last dance-3 september 2005

Significant events in the crew:

Hospitalization of Edmund.
The 2 performances.
BOTY camp.

Crew New accessories:

2 Elbow pads
1 New soft elbow guard
1 new radio needed
2 different designs of printed kyensai shirt (preliminary designs).
1 headband.

New habits and attitudes:

Bboy for God. Only him. I used to have quite some problem on this last time.
Pray before sessions.
30 mins of warm up and conditioning before sessions.

Aims for 2006:

3 bounces for 4 rounds crickets.
More forearm combos
All combos cleaned up plus added extras.
4 second hollows and Lbacks
Handcompacted sidehollow
Spinning airchairs

Honour your father and your mother.

Exodus 20:12 (AMP)
"Regard (treat with honor, due obedience, and courtesy) your father and mother, that your days may be long in the land the Lord your God gives you. "

Exodus 20:12 (MSG)
"Honor your father and mother so that you'll live a long time in the land that GOD your God, is giving you."

The bible tells us to respect, honour, obey, our father and our mother. There is no excuse that we christians only listen to the most high God, and forget everyone else. That is wrong. But if your parents ask you to do something that is against the LORD, you should disobey them. Don't find any excuse to neglect, despise, disrespect your parents, because you cannot suceed. Even Jesus respect, look up on, obey, love his parents, even though he knows that he is of "higher order".

the author
b^2 - 4ac

does cocaine, ice, CANNABIS
anti-heavy metal music
extremely hot tempered
anti-drug campaignist

21st dec 2006 :):):)
Kyensai SEKSAY`

Christian :D

  • Bobbie
  • Calvin
  • Calvin Magnus
  • Cheryl Lau
  • Cielo
  • Chris Foo
  • Christina Chew
  • Chucky
  • Chun Wui
  • Cliffalogy
  • Edmund
  • FireAC
  • Fabriz
  • Geraldine
  • Glynis
  • Jeanette
  • Joel Tay
  • Jt
  • Kyensai SEKSAY`
  • Kenneth Lim
  • Nataniel Tan
  • Nicholas Seow (1)
  • Pei Wen (or princes pei)
  • Ryan Goh
  • Sharry
  • Victoria
  • Shane
  • Xian Yu

  • drop a tag

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