A: shut up lah u mother****** (said in a leisure tone)
B: i thought you are christian? why do u say this word?
A: hey, i have cut down my swearing by half since i became christian. i now swore much less already
For your info, person A is got the wrong concept. this is a true conversation that took place. i was there.
he swore, and i want to try stop him. then he gave this excuse. But let me ask you. It is good that you have cut down your swearing, it is good that you have tried. but IF YOU HAVE NOT REACHED GOD'S STANDARD, dont talk about it. He had cut it by twice. i had cut it by 100 times. i cannot remember when is the last time i used "F***". Last time i used it 200 times a day. now i cannot remember. This is because God had changed me and i made an effort to be changed so that i could be more christlike. God is happy that person B had cut down his swearing. But he is not happy that person B is STILL swearing.
Let me tell you, do not follow the standards of man. If i were to cut down my swearing by 10 times, my friends would praise and say that i am a good person. But God would not be happy. He wants us perfect. But nevertheless, we still sin. The only difference is that he FORGIVES us for our sins. If we recognize our sins,we REPENT for life. FOR LIFE. and DONT THINK OF BECOMING A SUNDAY CHRISTIAN AND JUST REPENT FOR A DAY!!!!
God does not like that. You know yourself most. God knows you better.
till now, i am still trying to cut them down.
Christians, do you know how you are saved? ITs actually quite.... nice hahaha.
Jesus came to us not we went to him. But he CAME TO US.
he knocks on our door, and it is us who decides to open. Christians have opened the door that he knocked. They had let him in. This is all i have to say today... hahaha i will talk more tml sons.
God be the glory to the end of the age. Forever and ever. Nothing will tear me away.

Created in remembrance to the Concert. Many memories. God had arranged it perfectly. Trust me.

Our revolution concert aftermath....
He is not that kind of God who exasperates us or love us with condition. He never judge on us ever so with condemation. He Loves us unconditionally.
Look at us, hypocrites, and what our relations to other friends? Look at the way we treat our friends, when they do something stupid, you put them down with one harsh word from your tongue? Look at your speech, hypocrites, especialy all christians, the way your vile tongue had stabbed those who you do not like? Look at the way you treat others, by passing comments about them, judging them while not encouraging them?
I do make a point that i myself had done this before. And Every christia
n can do this.
What we need to do is to repent and DO SOMETHING. God did not purposely make us sinful. It is that WE chose our own paths. If you lack wisdom, ask God, for he will give generously to all without finding faults. We can overcome any sin, but we must ask God to help us. We must have faith in God and Trust him for deliverance.
You must show love to your neighbour. You can dislike your neighbour, but you cannot hate. Christians, i am talking to you right now. Isnt the Love of God in you? The word "christian" actually mean "little christ". Every action you do is a reflection of what others think of your God. So whenever you want to do something nasty, ask yourself: Will Jesus do that too?
If Jesus himself will never do it, you shall not do it.
Recovered from monday's thing already
fully.... and now i am back on raging fire... AND SATAN U WATCH OUT COZ GOD TOOK THE FIRE EXTINGUISER TO EXTINGUISH U...
Thank God for conforting words... that is the fire catalyst.
Praise be to the God, The Lord, forever and ever.
Life without God.
To tell you truly, I actually so called backslided. FOR A FEW HOURS. I somehow duno why juz think that theres no God or something, FOR NO REASON....
but after that, i came to my senses. I came back to the Lord my father, and his forever.
What i experienced that time is a life totally without aim. And i suddenly lacked that joy that is always in me in my christian life. I was like dam sian for that period of time. I could break, but have no feeling, or spirit. Even the things that make me happy, i will be entertained, but for a while. I don't have joy, which is everlasting hapiness, peace, love, comfort, grace and enthusiasm. In that 5-6 hours, i dont experience that. I dont experience joy. i was down, irritated for no reasons as such, in a bad mood, not say bad, but like, sad and down, dejected, for apparently no reason. In my christian life, i had no such experience, after i had converted to become a true christian.
The feeling of the sudden lack of purpose in my life totally sucks. I walk on the path back home, thinking and reflecting, and like, lost, don't know where to go. After i ate my lunch with my friends, i was undecisive on where i want to go.
If i go with my friends to my friend's house to break, i will pass my time, but i seriously dont feel like breaking. I would prefer to go home, but I had totally no idea on how to pass the time.
On the way back home after going my fren house, i reflected a lot, and God called me back, he caught me. I went back. No doubts this time.
In addition to this, i saw a vision, today around 4am. I dreamt that i was resting in bukit timah shopping center, sitting on the tiles, and i was disturbed by 2 malay twins. Both of them are near death, and they knew that i am a christian. They wanted me to pray for healing upon them and believe that i can perform a miracle in the name of Jesus. I did. I prayed, but with a lot of doubt or uncertainty, because i doubt that God will answer. But after praying, i saw them fully healed. They stared into the blank, in awe of God, for what he had done. After that they were filled with Joy. Then i woke up.
Did this vision come at the time, just as i want to preach? I actually wanted to preach today, but i did not. This vision must have came at the right time. I now understand. I now know.
Gates of hell will not prevail
Jesus said "i will plant a church in the gates of hell, and they will never prevail."
oh christians, show your love, live by the word of God.
Seeing how Jesus came down to earth as a MAN, without power. Seeing his realtionship with God the father. HE came down as a normal man, but his relation with God is extraordinary. He prayed at almost every instance to God the father, and he showed so much love to the people around him.
If he, our model, showed so much love to the people, so much attention to God the father, what more do we need?
We need to live this life as well, we are not God. We are man. We need God. Sustain your relation with God.
God is awesome. Amen.
i seriously dono wad to say...
the presence of God is so strong...everyone fell
seriously cannot say anything, just come next sunday, may 2
Lost and found again
On the lonely road of cobblestone, he filed past this sleeping and dirty boy. Filled with compassion, this man brought this boy to his house. The boy knew nothing about who this guy was, but still followed. at the outside, it is cold, stinging cold. Then when the boy entered the house, it was warm, like vapour from hot water. He never knew such comfort.
Feeling glad with his new environment, he rested, slept and played. A year past by like that, many things happeniing in the house. The boy adopted the name of Jason. However, this boy is getting tired of it. The house is not so fun to him anymore. The man, now who he calls father, is always working like crazy to bring food to feed the boy, working so to earn money to maintain the house. Every evening, without fail, his father will surely bring enough food to last Jason to the next day.
One day, Jason's friend visited him. He brought Jason out, into the cold outside, to a place called a Bar. When he came back, he was happy.
As life went on for him, his friends visit him more and more, and he got out of the house more and more. Each time, returining home with happiness. At the age of 13, he was going out 3 times a week, and he learnt many things. He learnt how to play sports, learnt how to exercise, learnt how to make friends.
As time passes, he got influenced by the outside. He forgot the morale values that his father taught him. He picked up things like vulgarities as such. Therefore, at the age of 13, he left his father and his house, so to enjoy the pleasures of the outside. He enjoyed himself very much, hanging out in the cold with his friends, in the bars, in the pubs, and so forth. His friends taught him how to defend himself against the innocent. He learnt how to fight, how to bully. He enjoyed it though. At first, it did bother his conscience, but slowly after that, it did not. He bullied a lot, and used language with profanities widespread.
The day when he left the house, his father was looking out for him. Sometimes, he saw his father on the streets, this made him think about his father. But slowly, he began to forget all about his father.
One day, he went out with his usual gang, out there playing, then a lightning flashed, rain poured. They stopped their soccer match, his friends were already running for shelter. Jason chased after them to find shelter. He was running, when he tripped on a rock, and fell, his friends ran for their lives, leaving Jason behind. Jason, under full exposure of the sky, was screaming for his friends to help him. They looked back, but continued running. Jason could die at any moment. He was seperated from his friends.
This time, a stinging cold wind blew by, and it stung his face. He curled into a ball, thinking of how to die.
This time, a man hooded and thickly clothed so to protect himself from the winds, filed past him, picked him up, and walked away. Jason resisted to the man, for he thought it was some kidnapper but slowly, he stopped to resist, because he felt warmth. When Jason entered his house, he felt warmth, again, the warmth he never felt for one full year.
He understood. He looked at the man who brought him to his house.
Its his father.
He was so touched by his love that he cried and cried and cried. The warmth, the love, he could not stop. He jumped up and hugged his father, telling him "do you have to paint a thousand stars to tell me that you are my father? Why do you still bring me back? i am so different, i have failed you!!!"
"No, i have not to. I brought you back because i love you"
"But this is what i have become!!! will any father bring his son back for this?"
"This is because i love you. I accept and love you just as you are, no matter how bad you have become"
"O father, I will never leave you again"