GO ON!!!!!
When you head for a destination, and when you fall, you will get up. Your distance to your destination is shortened.
If you have a battle for someone, pray for that person. When you fall, get up, because your road to winning the other for God (or rather snatching one away from satan) is shorter.
Don't give up. Fall as many times as you want. Get up the same number of times you fell!
As you walk, you cover distance to your destination, your journey there will be shortened. If you fight for a person for God, dont give up. For you are closer to win one for God.
Praise God
Enter your presence, astounded by thy awe, o father we praise you, o father we worship you.
You are the most high, so loved us that you sent your son,
Whipped, cut, slashed, nailed.
We do not deserve it, but by your love, you did that, for reconcilation.
We love you, father, we love you,
Praise to you O God of heaven and universe, forever and ever!
I cannot understand
WHY did he die for us.
It is not necessary.
All these is because he loved us.
God created more than 6 billion people in this world. Take it as if you are a parent. If you have 2 children, you can love them a lot. If you have 100 over children, you may still be able to. But if you have like 5000 children, it is another story.
God's love is not like that. His love is not distributable. His love is GIVEN. No matter how many children he has, he still love them just as much. And, losing one child in 6 billion people does not make him think that he just MERELY lost a person out of 6 billion, no big deal.
We can talk about God's love. But who can fanthom that? Can you care for a homosexual JUST AS MUCH you care for your friend? Do you know Jesus cared for a prostitute just as much as anyone? He came to give life. He saved her from being stoned. Every person is precious to God. How much it breaks God's heart to see a person go to hell! His love is
UNCONDITIONAL, UNLIMITED, and MORE THAN THE MAXIMUM OF THE MAXIMUM YOU CAN THINK OF. Its too extreme. i can never fanthom that love.We always hear this phrase "God loves you, Jesus loves you". We hear it till we get ever so used to it. But today i hope to remind that his love is something that no one can ever fanthom. Do not just pass by the phrase the next time you sing a song about God's love. His love is too much for us.
Who can even bear to DIE for us?
Never too hard
Since the day you have turned to christ, christ planted this light in your life. As you grow, that light turns to a flame.
Then comes the stage when you are so fired up that you want to talk about God and service him. You will know about your journey with Christ. For the front part of your life, you live in great comfort and peacefulness with the world.
Till you start to be on fire and evangalize. Remember, your journey with Christ will not be smooth. You will be exposed to a lot of criticisms, even from christians! Satan is trying to pour water to that fire to die it down. Remember that and do not give up. God is with you always.
"Though the mountains and hills can topple, my love for you will never be shaken. Nor my covenant of peace will be removed." Isaiah 54:10
For what you did in the world is good in the eyes of God, do not fear their words and actions. God loves you. Do not care what they say about you. They may say that you are TOO on fire for christ. there may even be CHRISTIANS who sacarstically scorn at your deep faith in this awesome God. Do not succumb. For
THAT IS WHAT SATAN LOVES WHEN IT HAPPENS. No matter what happens, stand firm, and hold on to the end.You will feel discouraged. But do not stay there. Get up!
FIGHT THAT BATTLE THAT SATAN ASSUMED THAT YOU LOSE. Overcome these, and the Lord will reward you handsomely.You will be exposed to the world, and practices of man which they call favourable in their eyes. Do not succumb. Add fuel to your fire. Pray. Pray and Pray. For your friends who persecute you. For it is written
"They tell you to love your neighbours and hate your enemies,
but i tell you, love your neighbour, and pray for those who persecute you"
Bear no hate. Love others, and love your persecutors as God had loved anyone no matter how mad they had criticized him. This is what Jesus said while he was nailed on the cross:
"oh father, do not hold these sins upon them, for they do not know what they are doing"
Pray for your battles. Pray for your friends, love them, and do not give up, for what you are doing is eternal, not of this world. You will find joy. For even your class teacher may rise up to stop you. Do not stop. Keep evangalizing. Keep doing what God loves you to do. Do not break. Do not stop.
Do not succumb.
For the Lord your God is always by your side, he is your leaning stone. Your comfort and your strength and
EVEN THOUGH YOU WALK THROUGH THE VALLEYS OF THE SHADOWS OF DEATH he will protect you, as he always did, for the Lord said that your concerns are his, your problems are his.Find strength in God. For he had NEVER given up on you.
have i gone too spastic? acted as a malaria-infected person, a madman, and hot-headed lunatic in de bus for 30 mins and got everyone avoiding... i will not be spastic on friday..
sharper than spearhead, stronger than diamond, but yet can never be destroyed
"If you remain in him and walk in his ways, the Lord your God would grant you what you ask for"
Christians, prayer is a vital part of our lives. as it is written "the prayer is a righteous man is powerful and effective". Live by that. Live in God.
Your prayer is the healer of the lame, comforting for the weak, cure for the sick!! It also can WRECK HAVOC on satan! Stand Firm in your prayers. As this is the end times, hold firm, for "he who holds firm to the end would be saved".
Your prayer is like a disaster to satan. Whatever you ask in God, sincerely, it could destroy all of satan's works. Any generation curses can break, 100 years of curses can be broken by your 100 seconds of sincere prayer. As the light that is planted in a large building lights up the whole place, you shall be a light to the world. The light of God would blaze brightly in you.
You can pray for 30 years, sincerely with your heart, for someone to be saved, do not give up, for your prayer is sharper than a spearhead. Persevere on, and you would see changes.
And whatever it is, ask for God's will to be done, as i have talked about earlier.
God bless U!
Life partner
i duno why, but this is what i felt like typing today, since this is what i prayed for.father i come before your presence, praying for my life partner. O Lord, i ask for that whoever it is, let her be a good one for me O father. Let it be a relationship be one that lasts O father. Let this be that I would never have a breakup.Take away the lust of the eyes, and help me shun from the temptations of the devil.Give me the insight, and help me see what you want it to be O Lord.Father, help me do the right thing, and not achieve it by any means that are not favourable to you. Be my guide, as i age, to live life, and to have a family O father. Whoever be my spouse, give me the heart of love, and care. Keep my eyes and focus on you on whatever my life's decision may be. O father, whoever shall be my life's partner, i give it to your hands. I pray for your guidance be with her. Let me know. Help me, father, give me a patient heart that i would not hurry. Aid me in this decision, let me not need for a breakup father. Let us(my life partner) be able to live in love O father. I pray for it to not be a material-based one. Help us see.O God, i pray that, whoever it is, she would not mind my belief in you. Let not anything hinder my eyes and my walk beside you. O father, if she does not accept that, tell her, father, that you are God. Make her belief one day. O God, my eyes would be on you, help them stay focused always.Make me a good partner, that i could care and consider for her. Give her trust in me, and that i trust her. Let us(i and my life partner) confide in each other. Let us be in the good and bad times together O father.Father, above all, i pray that your will be done. For in you, if your will is done, it is always reaping the best results. I pray that all will be true, and my walk with you will be closer, and better, in Jesus' name, i ask this prayer.Amen.
Revolution days
yesterday, while i was browsing my com, i came across this unnamed song. i played the song. It was soldier. The song we danced to in revolution. The moment the song played, i wanted to switch it off. It stirred up too many memories.
I don't know why, that even other concerts, exciting camps, hikes, parties, outings, trips, cannot stir up that kind of memory in my heart as well as the revolution concert.
It was only 3 months and one day ago, did the concert take place, and about 8 months since we started practiced, and a year since that idea was born. I don't know why, but i just feel a sense of loss.
I miss almost everything, including the way i broke my toenail, including how i and my crew rushed like mad to get on punctual with the practices. I remembered the times when i forgot my dance steps, and performed the wrong move on stage!! hahahaha!! In the practices, i always did my steps wrongly, and my partner for one part of the dance had to remind me, and i was like..oh my son, how can i forget....hahahahahaha..
In the full rehearsals, i miss the voice of singers on stage, when it was dark. I love darkness, and light. I think you know what i mean....
In the combined rehearsals, everytime the singers were singing, i would be down the stage, sitting, resting, or with my crew planning...I remembered when my crew rushed down to the space down the stage to play and practice. I was reminded of the joy i had when i got my first power move, at that time, i need 6 pumps to complete one round, but now i need 3 pumps. my crew got on very well with everyone, and xinfu and ivan loved to joke around... we were always looking forward to the next rehearsal....
also, ivan always thought he did not sing "the reason" well, but in fact he did! I also remember how i sprained my ankle and cannot break for 3 days..
and on the concert itself, my crew got muscle stuck together.. and cannot break properly, until daniel came, then we are well.. hahahahaha it was so nice. And i remember i did a move wrongly!!! hahahahahaha!!
all these i can remember, but they told me about how we can get untied, and finally, friends, how much we loved each other, and how we try our best for God!
We can be so well together, and it caused an impact on me, and hope this will be a reminder to all people in my church on how caring and united something can bind us together, ever so well...
His will be done!!!
when we pray for God's will be done on anything, his will WILL be done!!!
And when God's will is done, be happy! rejoyce!
Be it the worst, or the best, as long as God's will is done, it is the best result that one can have.
Just 3 days ago, i took part in annual Kayaking competition.I took part in 2 events. I and my friend prayed, before the competition, for God's will to be done in this competition. The result, for the first event, was dramatic.
Starting out as the second last position out of 15, we overtook steadily until we ended up at 4th, when the race finished. We are happy but sad, but i dont really mind, because God's will is done!! However, there is an arguement with the first 2 schools. They ended their race on a place out of where they are allowed to beach their kayak.They argued with one another, and one of the schools got disqualified. At this time, upon this news, we are elated. We never got a medal before, and this is the first time we got a medal!!! Everyone rejoyced.
Then one of my friends went to the scoreboard to check it out. But the results were not confirmed, however, he overheard that a few schools got disqualified. Then my friends went to check it out. they found out that the FIRST THREE schools are disqualified!!! and we are the 4th school, so arent we the champions?! We were ecsatic. This seems as if it is really God's will for us to win this!!!
Then for the second event, we prayed the same thing. The result is more of funny than sad, in my opinion. We started out, with our kayaks unable to maintain direction, although our second strongest kayaker is doing all he can. Then when we changed over to the second kayaker, he capsized, TWICE. He came back to empty the kayak, and we went on to finish the race. This really seem as if it is God's will for us to lose this event, however, he is telling us that we have potential and the TEAM SPIRIT to hold us together. This is really God's will. Even though we were last, i was laughing, for not much reason, but comforted, coz God's will is done.
If you ask for anything, remember to ask for God's will to be done, so whatever the result may be, whether God or bad to you, is ALWAYS the BEST for you!!!
amusement <
unfailing love
Ever fanthomed a love that endures forever?
God loves us no matter what we do. We may smoke, lie drink.. but he still loves us.
Last time when i was in primary school, a preacher taught me this: God hates homosexuality, to those people who are homosexual, God totally do not care about them anymore. God doesnt love them anymore.
What i have to say about the above sentence is this: It is WRONG.
Did you not read that "For God
So loved the world that he gave his
only son....", and that didnt you read that it is by GRACE that you are saved?". God loves us SO MUCH that he could bear such a sacrifice!!!
God hates sin= true
God hates the sinner=FALSE
God hates homosexuality = true
God loves and still cares for the sinner= TRUE
However wretched or atrocious you are a sinner, though you have betrayed your closest friend, though you have said that you hated God, though you have insulted God and made fun of him, though you have murdered, though you have raped, though you have arsoned, GOD STILL LOVES YOU AS MUCH AS HE ALWAYS DOES.
His love is like a fire that can never be extinguish, although satan try to put as much carbon dioxide to it, God will put even more oxygen to it. God loves you UNCONDITIONALLY, and remember this, when you are at your most desperate situation, nowhere to go, call out to God, for he loves you and cares for you, and surely will pull you out from the miry clay.
Leader's Job
Many have misconceptions about leadership. Like being in the manager position, or the CEO of a company, or a platoon sergeant. The job of a leader is always mistaken.
The thing that most people have a misconception with is that a being a leader, he must SERVE the people he or she is leading. the leader must show concern for his people. Remember Jesus descended from heaven to SHOW the way and to SERVE us, he died FOR us (we did not die for him) and he HEALED the sick (we did no heal him). Jesus showed a lot of compassion when he is standing on the face of the earth. To everyone, he showed love, for example, the tax collector who cheated the whole village of their money.
Looking at my former school NCC (sea) unit CSM, he had really a job to do by leading the unit. But he did serve us. When we are tired, he rest us, he gave us breaks every 30 minutes. And a leader associates with the people he or she is leading. A leader does not isolate from the others. He should play and laugh with them, but only get serious when the time comes appropriate for him to be a leader and use his authority. Look at Jesus. He is a leader that wants people to walk WITH him. Why did he choose his disciples? Why do he live in the same quarters as them, suffer the torturing the disciples may have, and teach the disciples with compassion on what God had to say?
He did not consider himself one step above the rest. This is best proven when he bore the strokes and DIED on the cross. He came down from heaven as a MAN to bear suffering, and to show the way to heaven. He left all his power behind in heaven, and followed what God told him to do. This is a true leader with compassion, love and respect.
A true leader who shows care and love like Jesus would be the ones who would earn (not win) the most respect in the world. For example, last year, my friend's NCC (land) unit's platoon sergeant. There was once he conducted a physical training session whereby everyone had to do 6 sets of pushups, situps, and more. There are a few boys who did not hear properly. Anyway they are tired after 2 sets for the exercise is very strenous. They thought they had to do only 2 sets for they did manage to hear the instructions. So they rested after doing 2 sets. Then after the session,the sergeant went to punish these people by asking them to do 250 push ups in one go. One of the boys found it totally unreasonable, so he stood at one corner and refused to do anything. This is the disrespect that is shown to the sergeant. Look at him, what kind of love did he show for his cadets, what kind of care, understanding did he show? All the while, the cadets he took charge had been complaining about him, talking on his back and showing him the most disrespect. This is the kind of treatment these selfish and unundertanding leaders recieve. I hope he understands.
But this year, my same friend had a new platoon sergeant. According to my friend, this one is great. He joked with his cadets, played with them, showed care for them, laughed with them, and when the time comes to get serious, he is serious, but he never punish people unreasonably. He gained a lot of respect from the cadets, and everyone is contrasting him and the former sergeant. 2 different shades, one black, one white.
A leader also should not exasperate his position. If you are a leader, remember, do you want to be treated the way you are treating the people you are leading? But sometimes, treating them harshly is necessary. For example, if your employee continues to show atrocious attitudes towards his work by coming late everyday and cropping up all his work everyday, though given MANY warnings, but he did not change, you have a reason to lower his pay. But you must remember to help him change. Jesus always showed love and treated the people very well and kind. But when the pharisees compared themselves to the rest of the people of the world, saying that they are better than the people of other races, and questioning the ways of Jesus with their own self-devised rules that are edited from the bible, Jesus got very angry and stung them with his words. When Jesus found people selling sheep and goods in the temple where people supposed to worship God, Jesus got very angry and threw down all the things they were selling, and scolded them that a temple is a place to worship God, not a place to sell their things.
Follow the ways of Jesus, and you would know how great a leader he is.
Yesterday is dam nice.
It is a different day frm the normal outings we had. I and Tobias went to orchard rd and met at 1050, then had dinner. After that played LAN till 3 o clock.
After that we walk to Plaza sing. Its dam farni. we walk with our fingers and eyes looking and pointing at the sky, and got A LOT of frags. i also went to lie down on the pavement in the city. And we acted muscle spasm. its like suddenly twitching very heavily and quickly while i am walking.
at about 4 o clock we went to the killeney kopitiam and had a break. we ate their toast. it is superb. cheap but very very nice. It is at killiney road. just follow it, and find a row of stalls. you will find it. we ordered bread toast. the name is simple, but the taste is great man.
we proceeded to plaza singapura to the arcade just to see tobias screw up the scoreboard. While taking the escalator, i was making funny sounds with my throat and moving my neck like alien like that. and i fragged the WHOLE LIFT.
we went to the arcade, and tobias played silent scope, just this game. and he screwed up the scoreboard. the highest score before he played is 35000. After he played he made a high score of 84900. its dam farni to see a score 50000 above the rest. the game is silent scope.
we went back, exhausted after the day, though we did not exercise much. hahahaha but it is a great day.