Do not overcome evil with evil, but overcome evil with good
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 0 comments

Today, when going back to my flat, i met this lady at the lobby.

She was malay/indian(not sure). She is also formally dressed in black, with her hair nicely tied up to a ponytail.

I thought "isnt she the 'inconsiderate' woman?"

I remembered that there is a woman at my block who is very selfish. She would just rush into the lift, and barge out of it, regardless of any elderly person/pregnant women, or anyone who needs help. She would not even press the lift open for you! For a poor old lady, i don't know how she will cope with that. She wouldn't even thank you for doing anything for her!

So I thought it was her. I was sitting at some distance from the lift. The lift opened, she got in, with other man. Then i got in shortly. To my expectation, the lift door closed before i stepped inside the lift. "this MUST be her", i thought.

As we ascended, i thought of just dashing out of the lift, so to teach her a lesson. I thought of many ways. A while later, the door opened and we have to get out. As according to my plan, i dashed out of the lift. But i went outside the lift to press the button, so to keep the lift door open.

Surprisingly, the lady is inside, pressing the door for the other man(the man is in no relation to that lady). After he got out, she thanked me!

I was surprised. What mattered is not whether that person appretiated what i did or not, but it is about her care and concern to another person.

Then my conscience is pricked. I remembered the verse "do not overcome evil with evil, but overcome evil with good". I felt how small i am. God immediately put that verse in my mind, after that lady got out of the lift. God is the right man to do the job. I had assumed myself as the "right person". What i should have done is to pray for her. But i did not.

I now would pray for her, and the "selfish" lady. This is also what my school's morning chapel talked about today, love your enemies! But the irony in me is that, however hard people try to make enemies with me, i still love them, but for that lady who made enemies with others, i don't like her. God told me to love my NEIGHBOUR as myself. Neighbour means everyone. that same verse, in luke, came out during my school's morning chapel.

I don't wish to judge her, and i don't like to.

Because of God. He rox. I am nothing but just a servant for him.

Glorifying God
Monday, August 29, 2005 0 comments

There are more than one way to glorify God. When you think that the only way to glorify God, worship God, is through evangalism, worship, bible studies, going to church... it is not that little.

There are many many more ways to glorify God than these.

To me, i dance for God, through breakdancing, i glorify God and praise him. I feel closer to him. This is one of my "ways". Many people have many different ways, like, singing, marketing, running, playing soccer, playing rugby, or motor racing, to get closer, or feel closer to God. There are so many ways to glorify God!

There is no DEFINITE WAY, or any FORMULA, so that glorifying God is a sucess. God is not mathematics, or chemistry.

You can glorify God through scoring well in your tests even getting married!

I am determined to score well for my final year exams, not much of the reason is because my year's results sucks like crazy. But the thing that came to my mind, after i prayed for better results, is to Glorify God. I prayed for myself to score well. Then, BOOM! It came! It was like a day after i prayed! Not lady luck. Before i prayed, it didn't come. God certainly knew about it, but he is trying to tell me that i need him. I am going to score well for my tests so that, i could glorify him. God is the cause.

There are so many ways to glorify God! To praise him, and to worship him!!

You have your own way, your own talents!

man this i dont deserve
Friday, August 26, 2005 0 comments



and i still won a trophy =_=''... i don deserve it anyway.. haha



So if i were to run every week, for weeks, i will improve by 120 seconds, but that means 20.03 so i need to train a lot. that needs 24 tranings....

but i will trai.. haha

But God really blessed me in this.

Praise him.

Thanks my biological father, who is there to support and film me.

And my friends and teachers, who asked about me when i was sick for some time.. haha

Will you face him?
Monday, August 22, 2005 0 comments

There are friends and people who i know, who go to church, but have like not learnt anything. there are friends who i know, who go to church, and continue to swear, condemn, judge, complain.
There are friends who i know, who attend church, but yet, show no love to their enemies, still judge, still condemn, still despise. There are friends and people who i have heard, who love God and praise him to the max, but they have not changed towards their relations. They still judge people, still swear, still despise, and still ostracize.

Honestly. Let me tell you this. If you can pray the best prayers, if you lift up your hands in worship, if you lead the worship, but your relations to people is still cold and judgemental, then do you think God likes that?


There are some that i see, who raise their hands, who could pray great prayers, but, so not christlike. They cannot exercise patience, assumes authority, still judge, still gossips.

No person can be christ. But everyone can be christ-like. What's wrong about being like that, is that you are a split person. That is what God does not like. Frankly, God cannot stand that. You are doing a DISSERVICE to God. If you do not forgive, go read the parable about the servant and the king. If you are those who cannot stop judging, read about Jesus' sermon on the hill.
I agree that there are many lukewarm christians in my circle of friends. Friends who say they are christian but can even make me think that they are not! I was one of these, in the past, before God brought me back to him. You will have to agree with me that there are christians who do not show love. And all these. Why? because God wasn't the first in their lives. Do you think, if you love God, but show coldness to men, God will take it likely?

A thousand times no.

Jesus died for every one of us personally. Even if you hurt one person, Jesus is not happy with it. And it is a SLAP ON HIS FACE if you are a christian. Because you betrayed his love. But Jesus will forgive you. Again and again.

If you are a lukewarm christian, go read the letter to the church in Ladolicea:
" 14"To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. 15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked."

Rev 3:14-17

This is what the Lord said. If you are lukewarm, he will spit you out of his mouth. He wants warm or cold, not the median. I hope you know what he is trying to say.

Act like christ. Be like christ. No one can be christ. But you can be like him. Follow his ways. Show them his love. The love of God. Show them how much God loves them. Love your friends, Love your enemies. Do not judge them. Jesus' disciples asked him:

"36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'[b] 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[c] 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.""

Love is what God want you to show. It is the best you can do for God, for love, has many functions, and can do many things.

So that one day, when you stand in front of God, you would face up to God, and hear him say "well done, my good and faithful servant!". you will know how to face him. You will have little to be ashamed about,

Sunday, August 21, 2005 0 comments






sorry for my excitement

but PRAISE THE LORD. HALLELUJAH! kurabashikaliandabashititikaliandai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Price of a single soul--thanks to Evangel Family Church in Singapore
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 0 comments

Mark 5:1-16 à the Healing of a Demon-Possessed Man

Basically, a demon-possessed man who had been dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him nor tame him, lived in isolation where he often cried and cut himself with stones. When Jesus came, he ran and worshipped him, and cried with a loud voice, and said, “What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.” Jesus cast out the demons in him into 2000 pigs that ran into the sea and drowned. The owners of the pigs came and asked Jesus to leave after seeing that their pigs were gone.

*What is the price of a single soul?

Answer: priceless.
The most priceless gem/jewel/stone/piece of worth cannot compare to the price of a single soul.

Matt 16:26
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

*How much are we willing to spend/sacrifice so that a soul may be set free from the bondage of sin and find salvation in Christ?

-Are we willing to dig into our pockets if need be?

1)When a life is dirty/filthy, YOU can clean it up if you try hard/ WORK on it.
2) However, it is not by our own strength, God WILL help us
3)But we must be willing to get ourselves involved in the process to win souls, and be willing to pay the price.

[just like a burnt and dirty pot can be redeemed/cleaned up if you put in a lot of effort to scrub it and also needing to dirty your hands and fingers.]

Countless men are crying out today like that demon-possessed man. They have turned out to be people they don’t want to be, and they don’t want their future to be like their past. (E.g. becoming lascivious like that demon-possessed man, unrestrained/out of control/lustful/abusers)

Jesus heard the cry of the heart from the demon-possessed man, that he did not want to continue this sort of life that he has.

*What is it that you don’t want to be anymore?

God can and DOES hear your cries. He WILL help to change your heart and CONVICT you to change because he FORGIVES you. God will come to you and deliver you if you cry out to Him for help. He’ll lead you to repentance, through the Holy Spirit.

Only the devil condemns you. If you hear yourself condemning yourself about the sins you’ve done, it’s the voice of the devil! He wants to make you lose faith and become dejected.

*Was it a high price of 2000 pigs for the deliverance of one man?

Jesus was asked to leave as the owners of the pigs found that too high a price. They didn’t celebrate for the salvation of that man. That at long last, the man was free of the demons and now a new man, sane and joyful.

This post is taken from one of the sermons in Evangel Family Church, in Singapore

Who is doing the Job? This even christian make faults!
Friday, August 12, 2005 0 comments

I was going home one day after church. My friends and I just talked about the end times. Five of the seven seals were broken. The end times are near. These are nothing to do with science.

When i found out that five of seven are broken, let me tell you this, i was friggin afraid. I was like extremely nervous. What about my friends? The closing end times are worrying us. What i was worried about is not about myself. But it is my friends and families who are not saved. I prayfor them. Everyday, sometimes thrice a day. I cannot bear to see these unsaved people living in hell forever, while i am enjoying in heaven.

I was thinking and thinking about this issue. Then i saw my friend. He offered me a lift. I accepted the offer. In the car, i was telling him about this. I told him how worried for my friend, called jakal(not his real name). The first person that i would think of about evangalism is him. I cannot bear seeing him on earth when i was raptured!

I told my friend who is in the car about him, and what i wanted to do to get him in the light. However, my friend who is in the car told me this, "he wont convert. Just looking at him, you know that he cannot convert. He is not those type. He wont convert."

Let me ask you.. WHO IS DOING THE JOB? ARE YOU DOING IT FOR YOURSELF OR FOR GOD? I know that he may be difficult to convert. But i will never give up in him

This is the LORD's battle, why do you give up? This is not a 50:50 chance. This is a WIN if you convince him, in the spirit of God. For it is said:

"For they overcame the devil, not by might, not by power, but by the spirit"
"They cast out the demons not by might, not by power, but by the spirit of God"

H.O.W_C.A.N_Y.O.U give up hope? This battle is in God's hands! And evangalism is NOT man's work. It is God's work. HOW CAN YOU leave a person stranded in the freezing sea, lost in all direction, when your lifeboat is only a quarter full? HOW CAN YOU give up on your friends who are so dear to you? HOW CAN YOU EVER show that type of love? Do you not love him? He is NOT to be neglected. Even all materials and money on earth is NOTHING compared to ONE SOUL. Why do you neglect him? Do you know that by passing a judgement on your friend that he could not be converted, you are actually betraying him? You are, as if with your friend in a party. You are drinking wine. You know that his wine is heavily doped. But you continued to talk to him, assuming that that doped wine will do no harm, but it will.

This is exactly how it is if you give up on that person.

I believe that Jakal would soon know the light. I will be in tears of joy if he turns to God. I pray he will. He is the person i pray about the most. Sometimes i just do not know how to answer. But what it is sure that i am sure that God is there.

Jakal is almost there. It is not a process whereby it is something like a meter. But it is from the heart. He wants to believe. But he does not know how to. I pray he read this post.

This is not about my care for him. It is about God's care. If not for God, why would i worry? Why would i pray? Why would i sacrifice so much time thinking and praying?

I just feel a need. We should. We must.

Imagine this.

You are in this luxurious liner. Suddenly, the hull cracked. You and your friends go to the lifeboat corner. You manage to get to the lifeboat. The lifeboat is steady and big. It is only 10 out of 100 filled. And you see one of your friends. You look in his eyes. You save him. He got saved. And then you turn your eyes to another of your best friend. He is struggling in the water. The temperature of water will cause hyperthermia within a minute, and yet you abandon him. Why? You assume that he will not have the strength to climb on the boat. You assume that the boat will capsize and kill every person.

Then you all sailed to a land. To a port. You arrive safely. The harbour crew are shocked to see that there are only eleven in the lifeboat. However, you are later informed by experts that this lifeboat is tested on waters, with 200kg/meter square of pressure, Tested with 6500 kg on the lifeboat itself. And it still remained stable. Even if waves are pushing from different directions.

Then you regret. You should have let him in. You could have saved his life. You all could have spent the rest of your life together.

But you wasted this. A little too late. What is done, is done.

You do not want that to happen do you? Do not judge anyone. Do not give assumptions. GOD IS THE CAUSE. GOD IS DOING THE WORK.

"i can do all things through christ who strengthens me"
phil 4:3

What is impossible in God? Christians, you know that nothing is impossible in him. So don't give up. He is your pillar. You are the salt of the earth, the light of the world.

You can do all things through christ who strengthen you.

Sometimes it hits you too hard.
Saturday, August 06, 2005 2 comments

Sometimes, when you want to invite your friends for a concert, or a evangalistic church service, then comes the thing about tuition. They all have their remedials on the day. Then they cannot come.

I encourage you to get fed-up.

WITH SATAN. not with them!

Do you know that it is satan's scheme? Do you know that God can break schemes? Do you know that whenever you get fed-up with satan because of this, satan gets afraid?

It is because, YOU ARE DOING THINGS FOR GOD AND GOD IS ALSO NOT HAPPY when satan goes and destroy the plan.

This is what happened today. I asked 2 of my friends to come. They cannot. I am very angry with satan. Not with them. I am angry but cannot do anything at the instant. I may be very angry, but i will not show it. I do not hate, but juz angry.

But during these times when you are angry with him, is the time you will be attacked by satan. Your weakest point is the point of temptation, and when you find yourself having difficulty praying, it is the point when satan attacks you. Keep your eyes on God. Through these schemes, satan is trying to do 2 things. Firstly, to screw up the plans for him, and secondly, to get you angry and suspicious of that person.

Sometimes you will get disappoionted with the wrong person. So much that you lose your trust in him. Then years of friendship will be broken.

Satan loves that. God does not. He likes to see his children in harmony. Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. He is the king of all sin. By hating, it is a sin. Do not fall to satan's whisper to your ears. He is whispering "hey, you think that person really had excuses? No. He is just trying to get away from this only. Don't ask him anymore, he will not respond and only give you invalid excuses."

This is what he is saying! you all know that!

He is trying to get you to give up on this person FOR GOD, and trying to BREAK YOUR TIES with him or her.

Despicable isn't it?

You dont like it, do you? DO SOMETHING! Pray for satan to lay his filthy hands off these people!! God is great. Nothing is impossible in God. As you had seen God change the satanist's heart, then, what is impossible in God?

Pray for them. They deserve just as much to be saved. Jesus is the answer to the emptiness.
God is Good.

All the time. Praise God even at your darkest times.

Don't fall, child.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 0 comments

Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.

Many times, do you want to fight and win battles for christ. But you find that discouraging. Do not let it come in and hit you too hard! God is the pillar of light. if you have any trouble, tell him. If you fall down, he will pick you up. And the smile from the face of the devil is being cut out.

Talking to the fighters for christ. Many people will come to discourage you. There will be many things about the cult and false of christianity that will make you doubt. If you are in doubt, i know how you feel. You feel like "what am i praying for?""is the person i am talking to REAL?" or is it that "am i talking to the wall?". i know how exactly it is like. you do not know where you are heading. you feel lost. Coz you doubt God. It is alright. But it is not alright.

What you have to do, is to pray. Pray for God to show you that he is real. He will show you. For WAD REASON does he have not to show u?! He wants you back in his arms. Pray for salvation and deliverance. That you may be convinced once and for all. Keep praying. Keep hoping. Do not expect to get it within a day. Sometimes you get convinced, then later u doubt again. It is alright. Just ask God for wisdom, and BIND THE WORKS OF THE ENEMY!!!!

Satan is here to destroy. He will surely not leave any christian alone. But in Jesus' name you will overcome. What is too hard for the LORD?

Don't fall, child.

Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.

Many times, do you want to fight and win battles for christ. But you find that discouraging. Do not let it come in and hit you too hard! God is the pillar of light. if you have any trouble, tell him. If you fall down, he will pick you up. And the smile from the face of the devil is being cut out.

Talking to the fighters for christ. Many people will come to discourage you. There will be many things about the cult and false of christianity that will make you doubt. If you are in doubt, i know how you feel. You feel like "what am i praying for?""is the person i am talking to REAL?" or is it that "am i talking to the wall?". i know how exactly it is like. you do not know where you are heading. you feel lost. Coz you doubt God. It is alright. But it is not alright.

What you have to do, is to pray. Pray for God to show you that he is real. He will show you. For WAD REASON does he have not to show u?! He wants you back in his arms. Pray for salvation and deliverance. That you may be convinced once and for all. Keep praying. Keep hoping. Do not expect to get it within a day. Sometimes you get convinced, then later u doubt again. It is alright. Just ask God for wisdom, and BIND THE WORKS OF THE ENEMY!!!!

Satan is here to destroy. He will surely not leave any christian alone. But in Jesus' name you will overcome. What is too hard for the LORD?

the author
b^2 - 4ac

does cocaine, ice, CANNABIS
anti-heavy metal music
extremely hot tempered
anti-drug campaignist

21st dec 2006 :):):)
Kyensai SEKSAY`

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