Good christian?
The way everyone "rates" a person now, is by good and bad. Same for christians. You always hear them say "hey, he is a good christian".
As compared to the world now, a "good" christian, is really "good". He will look different from the rest of the people, behave differently, speak differently, hear differently, love excessively, and of course, caught mumbling and talking to nobody at times.
But come on, lets face the truth. The bible says that, no one, absolutely no one, is good, except the father.
"And a certain ruler questioned him, saying, `Good teacher, what having done -- shall I inherit life age-during? And Jesus said to him, `Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good, except One -- God;"
Luke 18:18-19 (Young's literal translation)
Let's face the truth. No one is good. You cannot call yourself good, because even Jesus did not. It's not about the authority game here, but the truth. Jesus had not sinned even once in his 33 years. How much had we, even after we are being saved? Even after we made efforts to abide the word of God? Let's get this clear man. When you make an effort to abide by God's word, he is very glad and proud of you. You can see that big, wide grin on his face, and saying "good job, daughter/son, you have made an effort to follow me!"
But that does'nt make you good. Doing a good deed does not make a person good. Of course it's good to do a good deed. But what about our sins? That prevents us from being called good. And compare ourselves to Christ. He had not even sinned once in his 33 years, and yet he did not call himself good. Therefore, no one is good. No christian is good.
Don't call yourself a good christian. Call yourself a strong faithful one, a strong one. Call your friends a strong believer, a faithful christian. Don't call him a good christian. I am not trying to say that you should not praise your friends too much. In fact, the bible is full of verses telling us to love, encourage, praise! God is not a legalistic God. He is not the type of God who says "if you praise your friend 10 times, you must praise me 20 times". That's not God's character. He just wants you to love him with all your heart, soul and strength. God sees from your heart. He totally deserves to be in the first place in our lives. It's fine if you don't put him, yea, and your life will screw up. It's totally wrong to regard God as a sideliner. He is not the sideline referee, he is not the player, he is not the commentator, he is not the spectator, he is not the advisor. He MUST BE your coach. He MUST BE the first place in your lives. Regarding him as a sideliner is a totally short-termed, short-sighted, short-goaled, and totally wrong perspective for your life. It's disrepsect and self-centeredness.
So, don't say "good christian", say "faithful christian, strong christian". It's more specific, and, more accurate. Much more. Don't call a person good, but by all means, commend that the things he DID(not the person) as "good". Don't even call yourself good. Only one person is good - God. Only God is good.
Happy thanksgiving! I am going to thank everyone in this post. As many as I can. Not in order of merit, or anything.
Daniel Leong - thanks for the camp. Thanks for organizing it. Learnt a lot from that man. A lot about children, their families and all that. We really had a great time. Thanks to you man.
Daniel Leong's mom - Thanks for the majority of the work in that camp. You did a lot of things for us in that camp. In the preparation, we did not finish all we had to do. Sorry to have bothered you. But really thanks for this opportunity!
Liu Yi - Thanks for helping me in my work, in school. You are a very nice and matured person man. Really, thanks man. You have a border between destruction and fun, between class order and class enjoyment. Super responsible. You helped me in revision. Thanks for willing to studying with us in the library. Thanks for being a friend man.
Delirious - Thanks for the songs. You don't know how many you have blessed with your songs. Just rocks man. I love majesty(here i am), rain down, history maker. Particularly majesty(here i am). It just touches my heart. I really love to sing that in my church one day man. A very touching song. Thanks for coming to Singapore for the festival of praise. If you weren't there, i would not be touched so much by your songs. I am going to buy your newest album that came out sometime in november. Remember that God's always backing you!
Sable Chicken - Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am still reading your blog! What great posts! Thanks for the comments and praises you left behind. They are really encouraging. When I say they are, THEY ARE. In this post, I say things that I really mean. God bless you as a christian! I am still praying for your family salvation. Just keep going. It's timeless, it's eternal!! All for love! All for God!!
Daniel Joseph Lee - Man, you are one of the best people I met. I don't know you that well. Many people who study as hard as you, are not as kind, as humble as you. Although you are smart, you are so humble to ask questions from friends and teachers. You are always willing to help us in our homework. And thanks for that man. You are a great friend! Keep praying. Don't care what they think about you. God loves prayer. Just care what God thinks about you. I have an utmost respect for you. I mean it man.
Ng Yew Hong - Thanks for being a A maths teacher. You are DAM PRO. Super smart. Thanks for helping me in my maths. And your! Thanks for helping us all for our exams. I wish you all the best for your director aims. Really. I am seriously not trying to be sacrastic! You're a good teacher. Thank you!
Wong Ping Loong - Thanks for teaching me billiards last year, and literature this year. Thanks for all the videos. I don't care what others think, but i have something to thank you for. God want us to find good in everyone, not to find fault, and them comment and comment, criticize and criticize. I strongly believe in that verse. Thanks for being a literature teacher! I know that you may feel like a torture taking our class, but you know you have to. Thanks for doing that! Because of you, that my billiards have such a good foundation! Thank you!
Angeline Chua Peishan - Core max teacher. Thanks! For all these you have taught. Thanks for encouraging me! Thanks for complimenting me when I got 75 for my core maths. Thanks for the jurong library tuition. Thanks for teaching us core maths! You want to know why I suddenly burst to study so hard? It's because of God. I work all out for him. Just inspired. Thanks for helping me on the way. Thanks!
Switchfoot - You the crossover band. Thanks for your songs. Just as delirious, you should just know how popular you are. You should know just how many christians who understand your lyrics are blessed by your fantastic songs. The songs I love a lot are those which you have to look at the lyrics, and find the deep meaning. Yes, your songs. Thanks for all your songs. They blessed me. They blessed God. Thank God for all you guys. You're really great!
Grandma - Ok. How am i going to say this in chinese? Take some time. Just in english la. THANKS MAN for cooking breakfast. I am now doing housework to ease your work. Not as a chore. Thanks for washing my clothes and ironing them. Thanks for cooking dinner and lunch for me. Thanks for bothering to wake up at 4.50AM last time, to do all these chores, until your health is whacked. REST WELL!!! Sleep longer! Now mom's doing the work... oops. Sleep till 6! 70 mins of sleep. Of rest. Thanks for all these! All these i said is not fake man. Thanks a lot for the carbohydrates, the money. Sometimes I don't need so much, but you still like.. JUST GIF LA.. Thanks a lot for that. Really. I never am a spendtrift, because i see this money from YOUR pocket. I feel that they shouldn't be just squandered around with. Thanks for sponsoring some of my bus fares. Sometimes it's hard, but you just did it anyway. Thanks a lot. Eternal purpose awaits. Thanks. Age of seventy, still doing all these. We should be taking over more. Thanks for all these. Thanks for constant reminders, for all the drinks and soup you made. I never forget them. Last time, I don't remember all these. Now, I thank God for every cup of water I drink, that you made! All the minute, little things, I remember! I didn't forget the cups of tea in the morning, the cups of chrysanthemum in the evening, and the cups of red dates (hong zao cha) at night. It really seems like the supply wont ever run short! LOL. With all sincerity, all these you are doing, and all these you have done, THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU!!!
Casting crowns - Your music is really great. They are INSPIRING. They are touching. They touch people's heart, and tell people that God loves them no matter who they are, what they do, what they think about him, and what they have done. I love your songs because they are so true. "Voice of truth", "Who am I", "What if His people prayed", and finally, "If we are the body". They are really good. Thanks for doing it for God. God bless you. Do it for God, always. Eternal glory always awaits.
Michael W. Smith (artist of "you are holy (prince of peace)") - I just know this song that comes from you. WHAT A GOOD SONG! It blessed us. It blessed God. It helped us. Because it's just so true. Thank you! Run after him.
Edmund Cheong - You have seen how much God changed me. And I see how much God changed you. You great friend of mine. We share our problems. We suffer together. That's the deepest level of friendship. Thank you. Thanks for hearing my problems. I have quite few problems in life, but I have 3 not so bad problems. Thanks man. Thanks for all your compliments. Thanks for bboying with me. Thanks for teaching me new stuff. Thanks for understanding me when I really cannot make it. Really, thanks for your bboy advice. You are the best friend of my life. Thanks for being it. Thanks for helping me in school, in bboying, in gyming, in food, in treating me! :). I still owe you some money.Thanks for being understanding, and really, thanks for being so non-material in your friendship. And really, thanks for complimenting, and being a christian fellowship partner. Thank you! I have a lot to learn. Any problems, CALL ME. I am always there man. Hold on to God, no matter what the circumstaces, even when the total oppostite thing comes to haunt you, example, doubting God. Just hold on. Because it's not for your intelligence to handle. It is for God to do it. It's written!
Mother - Thanks. Learnt a lot about family through you! Now I am going to thank you for all those grandma did, and you take over. Every day it's the same thing. I can remember. You wake up, after that wash clothes, then call me up, then go and do the egg. When I am at the kitchen, you start to dry the clothes with the machine. When I am leaving to change to my uniform, you finished that. Then, you eat breakfast. That's a lot of work you know?! And it is only 7.30 when you leave for worq. Between 5 and 7.30 is all those crap. And u go home sleep 7 hours. And you are still fully functionable in work. That seriously is dam pro man. And thanks for being SO SUPER supportive. You and papa always come for my performances and concerts. Just to see me perform, to take pictures and videos. Thanks for being so understanding. Thanks for trusting me on my own stuff, my work, my play, my church, my family. Thanks for understanding me, for trusting me all along! You are so popular that my friends recognize you already. Because you are always there, to support me. Thank you! So far, thanks for sharing the shy problem with me, as in, helping me with the shy problem! "be natural". YES. Practicing it now, as "you have to practice more". Yea that's right :). Thanks for telling me your office problems. That's really great. Got problem? Say! The deepest point of love, whether it's parental, friendship love, is that we suffer together!! WHEEE. Anything, SAY. OKAY!! Thank you, for cooking the egg, for the clothes! Thanks for being my mom! Thanks for extra cash when i run short! Thanks. I didn't squander the money. Trust me! Thanks for that man. I love you!!!
Compaq - YES, the computer company. Thanks a lot of saving my father's cash by giving free services! And some more a FREE unbrella when it's raining. That's really excellent service! Thanks a lot for that man. Thanks for all those extra cash for doing that, for executing that. Thanks for your professionalism. One of your guyz saved my harddisk by preventing a format. Thanks a lot man.
Tianyong - You are like a brother to me man. Thanks for being such a close friend. We have common problems, yea! See you so on fire for God, I am inspired. You remind me of God, you remind me of the walks with him, you are a friend who really loves his friends. Thanks a lot for helping me, for being there, for all your compliments. And your blog. It's full of great wisdom. It's full of great bible truths. Thanks for fooling around. You are the most screwer son of a father i had seen. The way you 2 crap around are SO FUNNY. Pull down pants.. OH MAN. U are mad man. And thanks for acknowledging my presence. Sometimes you don't, but that ain't you fault. Come on man, it's not always other people's fault, but it's sometimes my fault. Thanks for acknowledging my presence. Thanks for a friend. You are really a good friend. Problem sharer, you really understand people, and I JUST DON'T KNOW how you can handle some people that I reall cannot, I mean, have difficulty doing it. Not difficulty going along with them, but difficulty "standing" them. Thank you. You are so patient and understanding! Role model! Let's learn from each other. For two are better than one, a rod of 3 strands is hard to break!
Joy - Great singer. Thanks for being in the worship team. Thanks for singing. Thanks for the gift you gave me, the Look to You from hillsong united, the album. You spent 19 bux on that, I think. Haha. That album rocks. Thanks for the songs, thanks for that, thanks for being my friend. Thanks for that gift, thanks for being a friend of mine! If you have any problems, tell God, he's always there, even when the totaly opposite comes to haunt you, God's going to defeat it! Stay strong for Him! Thanks for the 40 DOP cell group leading!
Pearleen - Thanks for your compliments. Thanks for being a friend to me. I prefer to drum than to sing. One day I don sing, den go play drums. Haha. I really hope for that day to come. U go sing la! Thanks for complimenting man. All goes to God. God rox man. Go on for God!
Xianyu - Thanks for buying stuff for our cell. All your money, we wanted to repay you, but we donno how to. One day, we will one la. And you cannot escape that :). Hahaha. Thanks for leading the 40 DOP cell. Thanks for helping us out. Thanks for all your compliments and complaints, thanks. Thanks for being a friend. Thanks a lot :).
Eternal life Assembly - Thanks to this church. This church is like the most spastic church in Singapore. The youth pastor is spastic, there are 3 crazy spastic people in the youth. The senior pastor rox, and really does! Thanks for all your services! Thanks for that second 40 days of purpose. You organized it for the sake of seekers. Really. Thank you. 20,000 bux per campaign! Thanks for this campaign. It simplifies my life. It is great. It gave me more friends! Thank you! Thanks aunty dono wad, for always preparing biscuits, tea, coffee, creamer, milk, stirring spoons, cups, sugar, Ice mountain mineral water for all of us! Thanks ushers for welcoming us, and giving us the sermon outlines! Thanks music team for blessing people, blessing God by that touching music, because you are doing it all for God. We play for Him, we sing for Him. The lyrics are for Him. Thanks AV team for making this ALL POSSIBLE. I cannot imagine the hassle without that AV team. You guyz really did a great job, you guys really, truly made it all possible! Thank mischallaneous team, you all do the background work, I don't know what you guyz did, but, yea, it's significant. Cleaned up the place, served the food, did all the catering, moved all the instruments, bring down or put up all those signs, or posters. Thank you eternal life assembly!
Ivan - You're a freakin joker. I don't know you well. Thanks for being a friend of mine. Thanks for all the compliment and complaints. Thanks for complimenting me for my bboying man. It's God's proskill training that made me learn so fast. Just keep your eyes on the Lord, put him first place in your life. Your life will be so great, that you cannot estimate it.
Beverly - Hey man, long time no talk. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for talking to me! Thanks for complimenting on all my bboy videos, those long time ago ones, though they suck, haha! Thanks a lot for complimenting on it. Thanks for talking! haha. Want to go back to church? Your papa is there liao. Which is, EDMUND. haha.
Yuehua - Thanks for being a friend. It's a long time since we talked, and met. But yea, still, I had only grown 1.5 centimeters. My hairstyle got slight alteration. haha. Thanks for sharing your problems with me last time, thanks for talking for 100 mins on the phone. Thanks for helping me with my studies last year. Thanks alot for that. Thanks a lot for the CDs! Any problems, tell your friends, good friends of the past, don't break. Tell your present best friend, your close friend. Go well with them! All the best with your studies, with your boyfriend (if u have one, haha i dono). Thanks for being such a good friend the last time!! We're still friends now. Yea :). Ride along well in your JC!
Xinfu - Thanks mate. You are a frank friend. You have full of advice, full of ideas, full of ways to help people. You want to help your friends, but u dono how to! I u always tell me, and I always do it. Anyway it's you behind the show lar. It's not me anw. You gave the ideas, I carried it out. Not because u don wan to, but it is that you don't know how. You are a bboy freak, and you are now dam pro already man. Thanks for giving ideas on combos. But don't worry, there are some things that I won wan to do. Because it ain't my style. Remember the 171 min talk? It just show me how much you care for your friends, how much you wanted to help them, but you don't know how to. Thanks for telling me all these. Thanks for bothering to tell me all these. Thanks for trusting me on this thing. Thanks for trusting me to go together with you to rebuild that friendship that had tension. It's now solved. It's now alright. Yea. Thanks a lot for that. Thanks for accompanying me home on 66. Sometimes you don't have to, but you still do. Thanks a lot for that. Thanks for all these man. You're truly a great friend. You are frank, but genuine. Yes. Genuine friend. Thanks for being my friend!
Christina - Christian. You are a good christian, Christina. Hahaha. Strong christian. Thanks for talking to me on msn, for so long man. Can talk until 2.30AM. That's pro man. hahaha. Thanks for talking so long, thanks for being a talkable friend. Hahaha. Papaya rocks rite? LOL. How is you at home now? Sorry man, I may not be able to think very fast, because I am typing for 103 minutes so far. Non stop. Yea. But really, thanks for talking for so long. Thanks for talking about God with me. You really deepened my faith. Thanks! We talked about God, about life. Yes. Army friends. LOL haha no la. Thanks for being my friend. Knew you through friendster. Thanks for the great songs you sent me! They are really great man. Thanks a lot. Really. Thanks for supporting me spiritually, through all these. Thanks for all your compliments for my bboying. I know I am not so pro. But you still complimented us. Thanks for your encouragement, thanks for going for the LORD! Just remain in him. It will be so great! It will be so good! Thanks for, most importantly, for being my friend!
Father - You are pro. My friends really complimented you and mummy. They said that u 2 are very supportive. And they really admire that quality. They really respect that. This is how u 2 get famous. Thanks for that supportiveness. You are just there to take a video of me bboying, of anything on stage. Thanks for this extent of suportiveness. Thanks for the bus passes. Thanks for sponsoring those bus passes! And those extra cash, even if I don't need them. And really, thanks for forgiving me for my shortcomings, for losing stuff. This year is a great improvement from the last! I lose much less things than the amount I did, compared to last year. I can make out why and how I lose everything, except for the Treo. I don't understand how on earth did I lose it. But you are so understanding, to not even lecture me! You expect me to get it, to understand. And yes, i did. Yepp. That understanding! You wanted me to concentrate on my final years. What understanding! You don't want me to lose focus. Thanks a lot for that understanding. I never wanted to lose my stuff. And although I lose so many stuff, but you are still so patient, you are still forgiving, and everytime you know that i will understand. Yes. I did man. Thanks alot for those outings. Family outings, outings with grandma to eat, to celebrate birthday. It really rocks man. I will always try my best to keep that days free. Because its just rocks man. Family bonding. Go out together, eat together, talk together!!! Thanks for jogging, thanks for yogurt :) Thanks for cycling! You are willing to spend all these money for us. Thank you. That shows the sacrifice man. You are a great father. Thanks for being a father of mine. I love you!!! What understanding and great parents I have!!!
Brother (Wong Yuan Yeow, my biological brother) - Hey man. We talk rite. haha. Still socer freak. Thanks for helping me clean the floor. Sometimes you see us busy with housework, you will help and take over. Thank you! Thank you for advice for games, and thanks for talking! It will be much lonlier without a brother, you know?? Haha thanks for talking together about football. Thanks for asking me questions on your work, if you don't know them, or have school problems. Thanks for trusting me to help answer your questions. Don't avoid asking. Just ask man. If i cannot answer, ask father, mother, grandma, friends, all these la! Don't keep all these to yourself! Thanks for treating me as a brother. Thanks for opening the door for me when I come into the house, and for sayin good night! Thanks for caring that I am confronted by people from your own school, for bothering to find out what happened. Thanks for all these help, and love, and care. Haha. Thanks a lot brother!!! I love you!!!
Zee - Hey, my close female friend. Thanks for caring for us. Thanks for being there when we need it. Thanks for complimenting us on all these. Thanks for trusting us to help you, thanks for telling us all your life problems man. It's not easy to do. God say that being a christian aint gonna be easy. Thanks for helping us. Thanks for giving us advice. Thanks for being at the times when we session, when you don't even need to! You are just there to see us break, nothing else. haha to talk to us, to socialize with us, yea. Thanks for that. Thanks for treating us drinks, burgers. Thanks for buying all these for us, and with us. I did not forget all these small details that you did for us, and with us. I tell you ah, we are going to treat you back, and you cannot escape from it. It's more blessed to give than to recieve. Thanks for all the expenses. Thanks for being my great friend. Thanks for helping me. Thank you. You're really, truly a great friend of mine. All these words I say, I mean what I say. I don't cliche, I don't say it for the sake of saying it, for u guyz to hear, or to exaggerate. What I say, is that i really mean it. Thank you.
Daniel Song's mom - Thanks for hosting this barbecue, and for inviting us to it. Thanks for allowing Daniel to invite his friends. You are just to nice to cater extra food, extra drinks, just for this ocassion. Thanks a lot for this event. Thanks a lot for organizing it! God bless you. Continue to stay strong in the LORD!
Bernard - Thanks friend. You are really a good friend of mine. We are those friends that can like, don meet each other for like 3 years, but the friendship is still there. We can talk just as well, we can laugh just as well! You are a very nice person. You super seksay man. Muscle train until like crazy like that. Still training now! Hahaha now traning with you! You are so freaking nice man. Anw, I still owe you 23 bux ah. Thanks for lending me so much money, for my own needs. Don worry, i will return that cash. Thanks for eating in KAP with us. Thanks for just being there for friends, accompanying them, going with them. Don't know lah. There is like, totally transparent air when anyone is with you. I mean like, you are so well liked. And ar.. really thanks for being so nice man. I DONO LA i dono how to describe. Just like, it's SO EASY AND WELL to get along with you! :) Thanks for helping me in NCC! Thanks for all these man. You are a great and UNIQUE friend! XD
Chucky - You are spastic man. You are super spastic. You can just come up with jokes... JUST LIKE THAT. I mean dam lame jokes, no meaning, super out of point jokes. But you are a very cheerful person. And although I haven experience before, but I know that you are a understanding person. I not saying that you are not understanding to me. Haha. what I mean is that I haven seen that part lar! haha. You are really a good friend. You are very understanding, and always wanting to help friends who are in need. Thanks for that. Thanks for helpin me in my school work, for the final year exams, when we study together. Thanks for helping me trace records during the job attacment. Thanks for compliments. Thanks a lot man. Really. No wonder a lot of people crush you man. Thanks a lot as a friend.
Tobias - You freak joker. You are the most retarted, spastic, and laughable guy I had seen in my entire life. But really, thanks man. Thanks for teaching me bass. You have realy a good hand on poetry. Thanks for helping me me. Thanks for teaching me drum. And I tell you ah, you have a good wisdom man. It's really good. Your diamond and lift similie is really very very pro man. And i really admire that you and your GF lasted for 20 months 6 days so far. That's really dam good already man. Thanks for talking to me on the phone man. You are really a good friend. You are a very sociable person la. haha. You are super nice man. You are dam farni oso. Cannot stop luffing. The non stop entertainment guy is TOBIAS! Thanks for playing soccer with me. And thanks for teaching me keeper skills, although I don't really need them! Thanks for lending me your shower, towel, and trunks, goggles, when i come your place to swim. AS WELL AS BFV. Thanks for bothering to talk to me, to kill time, or anything. Thanks man. Seriously. Really. Really ah, I owe you a lot. Thanks dude, as a friend for being my friend. Thanks man!
D.Song - Hey yo sarp seksay. You are a dancing freak and proface on that man. Your dance is dam pro. You are a superb bboy! You specialize on dance and pop. It's really superbly good. I have seen no one so many variety of dancing before. Of course you may lose those pros, but you are already very good already. Thanks for being a friend man, just to walk me home. Thanks for being here, just for like an hour, to see us session, to see us play, yea. Thanks for a lot of advice dude. All the best for piano! Man we need to interact with you more man. I dowan you to steer away because of all these BZ stuff! Thanks for helping us for our work in our end of year! Thanks for even caring to do that man. Sometimes you are just so busy, but you still pluck time to visit Christina, to session with us, to help us, study with us. Thank you! We are going to glue you to the crew, and we are not going to let you drop away man. This is Kyensai GLUE. Thanks for caring so much for the crew, for bboying. Thanks for encouraging me, for complimenting and advicing me on my bboying. Thanks a lot for all these. Thanks for being our friend. I believe that one day, you will do something tangible for the LORD. And you will not call yourself a backslider. You call yourself that, but you don't want to be like that. You can man. Let God do it, not human instinct :).
Makmur - hey makmur! Thanks for sharing experieces together! Kayaking, man dam farni. Thanks for going out. And of course, thanks for treating us man. You are always treating us dude. One day we are going to treat you, and of course, as I promised other people I acknowledged in this post, we are not going to let you go away man :). We are treating you! Haha, yea, its blessed to give than to recieve! Thanks friend for all these treats. Thanks for accompanying all of us. Sometimes you don't need to. You just go with us, to accompany us or anything. Thanks dude. You are a great friend. Thanks for helping us, studying with us. Thanks for telling us your problems. Thanks for trusting us to help you with those problems. Really man. That's friendship love, friendship trust. Thanks a lot :)
Tobias' mom - Thanks for inviting me for the barbacue last year! Thanks alot man. That meant a lot. Thank you! Thanks for driving me to the MRT several times. Thank you!
Mr Paul Cheong - Thanks for loving NCC so much. I know we have always failed plans, and all these crap that we can give you. Thank you for being SOO patient. I never see you shout before. You always talk with us. Thanks for going through this with us. Thanks for you constant reminders. Thank you! Thanks for being for NCC even if you don't need, or cannot. Thanks sir, really, for making things easier for us, for dismissing us earlier, for socializing with us. And thanks sir, for fetching me home! Thank you!
Mr Mogan Das - Thanks for treating us, during the NCC mini expedition. Thanks man. Thanks sir. Thanks for teaching us NCC, thanks for assigning me ASM! Thanks for trusting me for that job. Thanks sir for going with the unit all these while. Thanks sir, really, for going with us, to mount ophir, and SNEAK OUT of that hotel, just to go with us! Thanks sir for that sacrifice! It's so hard on you that you had to take painkillers! Thank sir, thank you.
Jun En - Thanks dude. You are really a funny prefect. You have a great voice. It's really one of the best voices I have heard in my life. Thanks for including me in your band! Now I am the drummer! Thanks a lot for this man. You are a good friend of mine. Thanks for keeping the class in order, so everyone could be peaceful! Thanks for all the minute things man. Thanks for being my friend. You are a great friend!
Hillsong - You guys, music is just great. Thanks man. You just need to know how many people you touched. How many churches you have helped. How many people you have saved. Thank God for you guys! Praise God. Your music is just great. Your music is so meaningful! You really need to know that you are doing such a tanglible thing for God!
Ok man That's it. I am tired now man. I have typed for 184 mins exactly non-stop. 40 dedications exactly. Anw, I got Lback, Lback combo, holow combo today. That's 3 aims. haha 16 left!
Explantion of the poem "A man"
I did not write this poem because of self-pity, I did not write this poem to attract my church's attention, I did not write this poem because i want my friends to attend to me more often, I did not write this poem because "I think I suck". I did not write this poem because I want to self-label. I did not write this poem to attract public's attention. I am not the man. Not so alike.
I feel that a church nowsadays need more love. Seriously more love. Not so much to the members. They need to show love to the new members. More love. I cannot say that the church nowadays are not showing love, but people nowadays are coming, and leaving the church! A lot of membership increment is due to people who cannot feel any sort of friendship in the church. They do feel warmth. But not friendship.
How can the church go on like that? How can the people stay more than 20 months? Many would leave. Only some will stay.
Compared to the world, the church is warmest remote place that a person can go. The people are just so warm, comforting, talkable. That's real true.
For the outgoing people, they have no problem at all finding their group of friends, their family, their belonging to the small group. But the shy ones? The non-outgoing ones? The quiet ones? I am not trying to say that everyone is like that. In fact, it's a minority. And I am not in that group. Some of the quiet, shy, non-outgoing ones have life problems, that only God can solve for them. But they are seekers. Some seeker seekers, some christian seekers. These are the people you must pay attention to.
For those type of non-expressive, shy, non-outgoing, quiet, strong-faithed christians, the church MUST pay attention to them. What a person would like when he wants to stay in the church, is a sort of strong friendship. He or she does not want aquiantancy, does not want a friendship based on experience. He wants a good friend, a friend who can talk with them, who is sociable them, who share their feelings with them. Let me tell you, don't expect a person to stay for more than 20 months if he cannot find a bond of friendship there.
What they want is fellowship in the church. They don't want aquiantancy. I know what they want, because I am shy, non-outgoing, quiet, non-expressive.
In the poem, the man is just as shy as me. But he is an unbeliever. However, he is seeking, for an answer. He is desperate. In great, immense despair. He's very close to be saved. He's not very outstanding in his looks, and his expression. But he is more unique than the rest(I say more unique, because God creates all of us unique). He does'nt know what to do during the service. He walks in the church, shakes some hands, then "Good morning!" greets. This went on for many weeks, many church services. No one knows, or bothers so much to know about him, because he is JUST SO HARD to talk to! It seems like he just won't say more than a sentence per question. They don't know this person is seeking. All he needs is a helping hand, a hand to pull him to the light. That's a friend. He needs someone to understand his complicated life. But there is not one, who bothered to do that. He is too ashamed, too shy, to tell anyone. Because in the first place, he does not even have a good friend in the church to let him tell the questions in his mind.
This man can play very good BOTH guitar and bass. He is a professional breakdancer. His has an excellent, as in a very soothing, smooth, loud voice for singing. Finally, he is a good essay writer, a good factual, reasoner. So he can be a worship leader, bassist, guitarist, church performer, and a pastor, AT THE SAME TIME.
But no one knows. Because he is so 'untalkable', so quiet, and of course, lonely.
He had many aquiantances in the church, 3 experiental friends (friends who share experience, no deeper). But no close friends.
He's too lost. Too isolated. And so he went. And so he died intently.
Sad ending, painful lesson. Too late. God's given them months of space, but no one did nothing.
A man.
A man in the congregation,
A man not too tall,
Not too outgoing.
A man not too similar.
A man in the service,
A man quite interested,
Just too shy.
Can't gather people around him.
A man, listening.
A man, contributing.
A man, singing.
A man, praying.
A man, crying out.
Solitary singer of a band.
Isolated man of wisdom.
Desolated breakdancer.
Ignored guitarist.
A man, not too outgoing,
The body, hands not reaching.
The people, love not healing.
A man, not too loved.
A man, not too welcomed.
A man, so lost.
A man, so desperate.
The man, too solitary.
The man, too desperate,
The man, too desolated,
The man, too disappointed.
The man, disappeared.
The details: "Mother says man is desperate,
lost, confused, too shy, to tell me what's going on"
Too late.
OK man. I think i had enough man. I'm really the lousiest guy in the crew (really!)!
1)one handed hollows
3)hollow combos
4)airchair-forearm combo
5)handstand-airchair combo
6)handstand-6000 combo
7)handstand-forearm combo
8)planche push ups
9)planche combos
10)standing mills
11)smoother mills
12)10 jackhammers
13)8 second average airchairs
14)groundrock that HAS FORM
15)a single bit of existence of my own toprock
17)forearm-L-back combo
18)total planche craze (push-ups, fingers, handstand-planche, controlled planche, planche on table, wheelbarrow-planche)
19)one handed handstand (3second)
Papaya Salem Co
Ok man. I'm tagged. And i prawnmiss that i will write what i have to do today.
Papaya salem co.
Firstly, I like the phrase papaya salem co. I love papayas. Don't you like them? It tastes SOOOO GREAT!!! Furthermore, its a guarantee shitter. If you cannot shit, eat 4 pieces of 3cm by 3cm by 12cm papaya pieces. That's not even one whole papaya yet. Tomorrow, you will SURELY SHIT. Salem is because of the name. Just sounds nice to me. The word 'co' is random. Just make it sound nice.
Secondly, I like to play ball. It's just my sport. I love it more than breaking. I will feel the ball and see how good is it. As in like, juggle the ball in the hands, quite fun! At least you have a knowledge of good balls and bad balls. The purpose of soccer is to feel the speed of the ball. See, playing ball is so fun.
Thirdly, I don't like breaking. I don't know why some people just love it, but breaking is a sin. You are disobeying and sinning when you do that to God's commandments! Breaking also involve the and destroying of stuff. It involves both setness and hairpeeness. You are hairpee, but God is sad.
Fourthly, muscle distortion syndrome. This is called MDS. It's a syndrome found by the first person created by God, and named after a very cool and intellectual guy whose middle name is Round, in english's translation. Furthermore, the FIRST singaporean at a young age to have found this. Really cool guy. You guys should know him. You can check him out at his
website. I found that my muscles are slightly unequal and of course, not aligned. That makes it kinda weird, though muscles on both sides can lift the same weight, the same number of times.
Lastly, I like Tianyong. Firstly, I love it because it's a 2 in 1. You look at both the sky, the great creation of God. Everything juz came together. God made it so nice! Swimming is also great! Water is just such a superb invention of God! Secondly, although Tianyong is always welcomed and loved, I still love it. It's because the sky meets the water at the horizon! How nice is that! We are touching the sky. And this makes a paradox, that just simply explains how incompatable are we in our man's intelligence to God's intelligence!
OK, here are the 5.
Daniel Song,
Misconceptions series #1-- men of peace.
Men of peace. Christians. We are the men of peace. We supposed to be the men of peace. It is written.
"Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many."
Hebrews 12:13-15 (NIV)
What a verse it is? It tells us in every effort, to live in peace with all men and to be holy. Hasn't it been written? We are men of peace. We are told to not Judge, not Condemn, and not Curse, NOT EVEN TO TAKE REVENGE! That means, we are to do everything, and instructed by Jesus, to do everything that is peacable to men. We are told not to slap back, not to curse, condemn, not to hold your grudges. All is said in this beautiful verse.
"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven"
Luke 6:37(KJV)
Then, why the crusades? Why do they kill, why do they fight, why do they conquer, why do they destroy? Let me tell you: what they do is unsightly in the eyes of God. Of course, there is nothing wrong for them to 'fight for God'. But did God ever told them to fight? The pope may had said something about fighting the pagans, they had misinterpreted that. What he means is to stand against the attacks of the pagans. They are not told to whack and kill them. DIDN'T THEY READ THE BIBLE? DIDN'T THEY READ THE WORD OF GOD, THAT TELLS THEM TO GET ALONG WITH
"Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you've got it in you, get along with everybody. Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it."
Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he's thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good."
Romans 12:17-21 (Msg)
Its said everywhere, we are supposed to be the men of peace! Christians, we are the men of peace. We are not told to whack other religions, criticize them, curse them, condemn them. Because what God says is to not judge, condemn, criticize. He didnt put anything in exclusion. What position are you to judge? What position are you to make war? What position are you to do anything, that is so unpeacable.
In singapore in the 1960s to mid 1970s, christianity is crazy. The pastors are spreading the Gospel. That's the good part. But they are cursing, whacking, criticizing, condemning, judging, and making war, doing unpeaceable and acts outside love on the way! Aren't these breaking the law, breaking the peace? Yes! Condemnation, judgement, making war, doing unpeaceable acts are surely acts without peace. Those pastors at that time, are wrong to do that. Peter said this.
"If you're abused because of Christ, count yourself fortunate. It's the Spirit of God and his glory in you that brought you to the notice of others. If they're on you because you broke the law or disturbed the peace, that's a different matter. But if it's because you're a Christian, don't give it a second thought. Be proud of the distinguished status reflected in that name"
1 Peter 4:14-16
It is written. Do not spoil the peace! It's therefore a misconception that christians are violent. Its a misconception that the bible tells us to be violent. Its a misconception that God wants us to fight! Its a misconception that christians are told to condemn, judge, hate, criticize, make war, and do unpeacable acts! The key to prevent all these is easy: READ THE BIBLE. The bible comes in one whole piece. And it's for life application. What use is it, if you have a big study bible, and yet not apply it? Yet not read it? What's the use! That is where all the trouble come from! Because you didn't read the bible, meditate on his word, and apply it yo your life! That's the big problem that caused so much trouble. That's the problem that caused so much misconceptions!
The bible tells us christians to be men of peace. It's said so clearly in 1 peter 4:14-16! It's a misconception to say that the bible teaches us to be men of war. That's false. The bible teaches us to be MEN OF PEACE.
Hand for a lift.
The guiness beer advertisement says "someone's gonna succeed, someone's gonna make a record, why not you?"
There is one right, and one wrong, about this statement, in the advertisement. Firstly, why not you? Yes! A christian walk with God begins with one STEP, and one LIFETIME, it's like climbing, trekking, boating. A climb of ten thousand yards begins with a single step. A paddle across the english channel, begins with a single stroke. The rest, is your lifetime. It begins with a second of commitment. A moment of commitment, a statement of truth, from your heart.
"God take all of me, and make me for what you created me to be."
The wrong part is that, God wants everyone to be a champion! There is no one who takes the top spot in christiandom. Everyone is. What a difference, if a christian would just follow his ways? In the world, you are not realized. You may not be significant. In the world, it is as if they don't really care. But in heaven, they are so widely proclaimed. It does'nt take much.
ReachLight of the dark,
Beacons of lark.
Beacons for the glory,
In the world of folly.
Just listen to those cries,
That we always pass by.
Just see those tears,
The eyes of fear
Just see those faces,
Those hearts.
Loud or silence.
Immense or minute,
Giant or parasite.
Remains as desperation,
Are in desolation.
For 2000 years,
For all the fears,
All the tears.
Stand a resolution.
Lives a light.
All around,
All bound.
Reach for them.
If we were to be a person who can reach one another,
If one more christian were to help another's problems, how powerful will it get?
If one more christian were just to bring one more to church,
If one more christian were to just say "amen", one more time per day, for his neighbour,
If one more christian were to just reach one more for christ,
If one more christian could just free up one more minute of his life for God,
If one more christian could just tell another one about christ,
If one more christian could just live a 'proper' christian life,
If one more christian would just fire up for God,
If one more christian would just have one more dollar for offering,
If one more christian would just stand up, walk up against the culture of the world,
If one more christian would just say to everyone around him "I am a christian",
If one more christian would just realize his mistakes, and commit his life totally to God,
If one more christian would just hear the cries of the world, and just reach a hand, just once
If one more christian would just lend a helping hand to anyone in need, anyone who needs love, anyone who needs comradeship, companionship, friendship, fellowship.
The difference you can make cannot be fanthomed. It can be more than you can ever dare dream of. Just as the light that spreads the whole room, lighting every corner, is the Gospel, the good news, that is the light of a dark world. It's not meant to be! The purpose of a light in a dark room is to light it up. That's the same. It's because the light of God is not meant to be kept! It's because the good news is not meant to be kept among believers!!!
In your hands.
How far was it?
How bleak is it getting?
I know!
But, who cares?
They're not looking.
Stepped in and saved the day.
I was wrong.
Wrong to conform,
To go with the current,
Like a lazy boatman,
I was going down.
The shape I am now,
Something so profound.
I don't know what's tomorrow,
But i know who holds my hand.
I don't see the extent i will go,
But I know I am in your hold.
I don't understand what comes to me,
But I know they are for me,
I don't comprehend the purpose of these,
But I know you want these for my build.
I can't look over the fence,
But I know they are for my best.
I can't predict your map,
But I know written,
I know it's planned.
I know it's great.
I know it's in your hands.
This is a personal testament of me. I was a lukewarm christian, saying lotsa vulgarities, thinking lots and lots about sex, and a lack-of-love mentallity. But Jesus, through this pastor told me that he still love me, and will forgive me no matter what i do, if i repent wholeheartedly. He told me that we will start anew. I was touched. I commit my life totally to him. TOTALLY. This is what he changed me to. This is just a beginning. Being a christian requires a moment and a lifetime. God is gonna use my WHOLE life to mature me, to build me. This is what I had gone so far. I don't know what is gonna come my way. But i know my future, is in his hands. God's hands. So far, he brought me so far. Always, he is beside me, fighting with me, taking the battle in his hands. So mant chances in my life he gave me to mature. I missed a few. This is the result of God. He changed me in the inside and outside. I don't know what lies ahead of me. I don't know what he is going to shape me to the unique me. I don't know how i am going to use my spiritual gifts, I don't know how am I going to fully manifest these gifts to serve the body significantly. But so far, for one year, 3 months, I can trust him. Although my life ain't very smooth, but it ain't screwed up. There is a difference. I can trust him. What lies ahead of me is in His hands. I trust him, i believe him.
Your spear, your armor, your shield.
The word of God.As you know, the spirits of jezebel and ahab are very active nowadays. Satan is also very active nowadays. This is depicted by the world of sexual immorality, world of hate, and new philosophies such as the new age culture, witchcraft, satanism. There are also many perversions of christianity. I will talk about this, and going to come out with a series, talking about the 10 worst perversions and misconceptions of christianity.Look at the world now, isn't it full of sexual perversions? Isn't it full of hate? Full of politics? Isn't the love of many, gone cold? Hasn't man start to betray each other? They say man is walking to a better stage, to improve ourselves, for better relations in the set-up of the UN. But is it? Look at the natural disasters coming. As the bible says "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains"Matthew 24:7-8By the way, this is juzt the beginning. Do not let your faith tremble. For it is said, that the spirits of ahab and jezebel are rampant at these times. And it is. Satan will come up with thousands of ways to screw up your faith. He will create natural disasters.If you were not to know that verse, you would even doubt God, on why is he letting all these happen. Firstly, its because of his actions, secondly, its all written on his precision calendar. Hasn't it been said that it would come? The word of God is your shield, it protects you. It's your armor, it shields you from the attacks from the enemy. The good thing is, this shield and armor is exponentially harder than the hardest diamond. How important, is daily devotion in keeping you protected!And more is to come:"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."Matthew 24:9-14Hasn't it happened? That christians are hated all over the world? Hasn't it happened, that christians are persecuted? Even by the government? Even in Singapore? How rampant! It's all over the world! Don't worry. God ain't surprised. It is foretold, it is written. It is in the bible.During these times, you need something so powerful and resistant to protect yourself from the devil, because he is working so much in these days. That is, your bible. That is, your prayer. That is, your personal relationship, your best friend, your side-by-side partnership, your caring friend's relationship, with God. At these times, you really need him. More than what you can ever imagine. You need the word of God. It's like this. The word of God is a powerful 3 in 1. It is your armor, your shield, and your spear. It's so powerful that the demon gotta flee! It's the salvation! Salvation is written in this book. This book brings salvation, it brings hope, it brings faith! This is the lifebook God told us to read. To guard ourselves, and to counter attacks from the demon.I am not asking you to purposely go and whack the demon. Demon is given authority over the world now. And by doing that, you can get thrashed up real bad by him. We are men of peace, not of conflict, just as, Jesus is the prince of peace. By following him, we must be men and women of peace.If any temptation satan throws at you, you flee that temptation, and throw to him a verse. This time he will flee. The word of God is so powerful. It's so strong. It's from God. The word of God brings salvation. God is love.It's your spear, your armor, your shield. Prayer is your spear, your armor, your shield. Prayer is the background worker. DO NOT CONFUSE PROMINENCE WITH SIGNIFICANCE. Prayer can be done discretely, can deliver discrete background changes. But the results are whooping. Look at this: who can stop God from working what he made you to do for him? God can do ANYTHING. He can kill the person you hate for you. But God would change him, and make him his child.Prayer is the ultimate weapon. It comes along with the word of God, which is the bible. Make an intimate relationship with God, tell him everything about your day, like, your lunch, your crush, your deepest secret. Although these he already know, but it forges one extremely strong best-friend relationship, which can be so powerful that non believers take more than the whole existence of the world to understand it. And don't underestimate it. A prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Your relationship with God builds you a lot of love and trust. God changes you from the inside. He gives you what you need. Jesus is awesome.That's why christianity is not a religion. It's a relationship. God is love. The bible didn't say "God has love", but said "God IS love". His love is so overwhelming, that he desire a personal, intimate, loving, best-FRIEND relationship he has for us. That's what that protect you from your enemy! The bible says:"You are better off to have a friend than to be all alone, because then you will get more enjoyment out of what you earn. If you fall, your friend can help you up. But if you fall without having a friend nearby, you are really in trouble."Ecclesiastes 4:9-10Juzt as 2 are better than one, your relationship with God is your shield. 2 are better than one. And prayer with God, that relationship is your ultimate protector.That verse talks about the need of fellowship. There is no lone such thing as a ranger christian. You need a spirual partner. You need a friend with you. Because if you fall, you are really in trouble. But with a friend (human friend, hahaha), you can be helped up.Beside your relation with God, you need a friend. That's gonna help you. That's your shield. That's your armor, your protection.
Watching your neighbour die?
All is one,
For God gave his son.
Bonded in the knits of love,
Eyes on Him that we serve.
How great could this be?
How far could we see?
Time passes on,
It's still that bond.
But the cloth loosen,
The knits weaken.
How far had this come?
When special, do some become?
Through it all,
When time takes its toll,
Where is the tightness of the knit?
Where is the closeness of the strands?
Are we still calling ourself friends?
Are you looking at the falling man,
Or are you looking at your super-recognized brand?
In this self-centered globe,
Giving itself the self-inflicting dope,
You, at this self-conscious stance,
Witnessing your neighbour in his self-destruction dance?
Why stand by and watch his fall?
While you can interrupt and stop it all?
You are all an organism,
You are all a prism,
Reflecting, glorifying THE risen.
What do you have in reason?
Hasn't it been written?
Whip of pain
Because you think it’s right,
You whispered in the dark of night,
Every alphabet a termite,
Every comma a dynamite!
The bond of love cries.
They destroy that bond,
And leave it to rot.
What you built for nearly your age,
Destroyed by outrageous, foolish rage.
That’s despicable,
His disciple?
When did he speak words of destruction?
All that he say is of construction.
Destroyer of friendship,
Decomposer of fellowship.
Splitters of the church.
Because of that ‘uncontrollable’ urge?
The aromatic juice you spit,
Is the dope that makes Him sick!
The damage you composed,
Alike a fish decomposed.
Is the dope that makes Him sick!
The hate,
Is the bait,
Luring everyone to participate.
Love washed down the drain,
Another whip of pain,
For the lamb that was slain.
Lest time takes its toll.
Waning evening sun,
The dawn of the night.
"the moon will turn red,
and the sun will not give its light"
What are you doing?
The sun will fall.
When night dawns,
They will scatter in despair.
But you'll all be in the Streets of gold
Who are beacons of light,
Light in the darkness.
Quick be a light for them,
Lest time takes its toll.
Rise and fight,
Bring up your polished swords,
Storm the rusty gates of hell.
Plant a church there,
At those rusty gates.
Lest time catches up too fast.
And the gates of hell will not prevail.
That church, the light in the darkness.
The gates of hell will not prevail.