He who stands firm to the end, will be saved.
Saturday, December 31, 2005 1 comments

Hey people, i may be speaking to some christians out there.

I have talked about the "i don't feel God experience".

There are many a time, many christians feel God a lot, and they love God a lot, and get on fire for him. Most of the time, it is short-lived. U feel that you are away from him, and then the fire dies down.

But let me tell you sth about love. Many people mad this misconception about this: Love is NOT an emotion. Just because u don't feel loved, it does not mean that you are not loved! Just because you don't feel loved by your spouse, it does not mean that your spouse does not love you.

Second thing. This thing happens quite often. U get on fire for 2 weeks then it dies off. Don't be legalistic. Don't focus on the FIRE. But focus on what God had DONE FOR YOU, and return it to him. Remember how much he loves you, and that you love him. Don't be legalistic and be afraid that the fire will die down after a while. Because this is a loophole for satan to come in and extinguish the fire "after a while".

Don't be scared of the devil. Because the protection of Jesus Christ, the holy spirit is in you, and will guard you. Even if you face one, the NAME OF JESUS takes them away.

Although it is the last thing in your mind, when you cannot feel him, when you feel dead as a christian, when u cannot feel God's presence, when your fire died down, the only wise thing to do is to get back to God. Go to church, go to prayer meetings, keep praying, play songs of praise, sing songs of praise, do whatever it takes to get you closer, and back to God. Sometimes, just because you cannot feel the fire for God, it does not mean that you are not on fire for God! It is not wise, to go the other way, although your "will" is to go the other way. Sometimes you cannot see the difference. Sometimes you cannot see what's so important of going back to God. But let me tell you, it's very major. If you let this chance slo by, you dont know whats going the be the next chance. You got to keep praying, because you are not battling man, but supernatural forces. Dark forces. You got to pray, and keep close to God, for God purposely exposed you to these things, and purposely made you not feel him, so that you may be stronger, so that you may not feel the fire depending on circumstances. So that you would love him more.

Do not go with what your feelings tell you, at these times. Because feelings are human! And human change, feelings change as much as we do. But God is unchanging. Stand firm, and keep to the unchanging one, and hold on to the end.

Bboying and God. (non bboys you won't really know what I am talking about)
Friday, December 30, 2005 0 comments

If you were those people who think that God does not allow, or God does not like breakdancing, hiphop dancing, heavy metal music, what I have to tell you is that, it is a myth.

If you were those people who think that breakdancers must have the type of punk, rebellious, 'gangsterish', vulgar attitude, or any of these, I have to tell you that, it is a myth.

If you were those people who assume that it is not possible to breakdance, for the glory of God, I would have to correct you, and say, it is possible.

After the BOTY camp with my crew, I have a much stronger passion for bboying. Before the camp, I was praying that it will be a good one, one that will bring me closer to God. Somehow, I don't know how, it did.

And then today, before sessioning, while I am doing my stretchings and warmups, I prayed that God will take control, and take away what he wants to take away from me, and give me what he want to give me. Because anything under control of God will be at it's best.

And it was a heaven of a session. I learnt flares, fast 90s. I also got forearm drop hollows, longer held double legged L-backs. And forearm handstand walk (oni can do about 3 steps). My mills are smoother. This week is my mills-cleanup week. I also got some standing mills. Next week is my flare clean-up week. I want to get flares, mills, and jacks all clean by the first term of sch.

I also thought of a variation to one of my combos, I thought of changing it to a forearm.

Non bboys, you just need to know that relying on God for breakdancing really helped. I am making it a habit to pray before every session. Do that too, on whatever you are doing. Be it bboying, or not bboying. It really helps. God helps man. Remember to give thanks, for it's God's will for you in Christ Jesus, and, he gave u those.

You deserve to die!
Thursday, December 29, 2005 0 comments

You deserve to die!

You deserve to die because of sin!

But God sent his son down to save us, so that we won't have to suffer in eternal seperation from our creator, but eternal unification with him! You don't deserve this!

YAWNNNNN..... you may find this boring. U heard it upteen times! But let me tell you in another perspective.

But the fact remains: YOU DESERVE TO DIE.

The fact still remains: You can be saved, only you accept the Lord Jesus Christ of the bible into your heart, accepting him as your personal savior. And worship him as the one and only God and savior. No one else.

You deserve to die. I deserve to die.

Let's say that you get a high distinction in your test. But you get your answers because your teacher told you the answers. You should fail. The teacher believed that you would buck up the next round.

Still, no matter WHETHER OR NOT you buck up and pull up your socks after the test, you STILL deserve to fail.

Same for man. We are sinful. We can make an effort to sin less. We can do a lot of good. We can make a lot of sacrifices to do good, be peaceful. But still, we deserve to die.


"I have done so much good, I have lost my leg to save a suicidal lying on a train track, I have bankcrupted myself because I donated so much money to charities, I lay in the hospital bed for half a year because I am trying to save the ENTIRE family, which I suceeded, from a firestorm. I should go in to heaven!"

"I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, I am saved, I did what you (God) want me to do, I exercise all your purposes, I deserve to enter"

The first man is wrong because no matter how hard you try to go to heaven, no matter how "holy" you can be, no matter how "sinless" you can be, no matter how "good" you try to be, no matter how often you go to church, donate to church, said that you believed in Jesus and accepted him as the only God and personal savior, no matter how u say you are a christian,

If you don't say it from your heart, and don't mean it, but just saying for the sake of saying it,

You go to hell.

The second man is wrong in a sense that he don't deserve it. Going to heaven is through the rescue of Jesus' death on the cross. Jesus' blood that never fails us it's the GRACE that God gave us.

"But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, who has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own grace"

2 Timothy 2:8b-9a (NIV)

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—"

Ephesians 2:8 (NIV)

"But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved."

Ephesians 2:4-5 (NIV)

Of course anyone who accepts the Lord Jesus as his personal savior from his heart, wil go to heaven. But that's by God's grace that anyone's saved. In conclusion:




The "BOTY" camp
Wednesday, December 28, 2005 0 comments

Sorry for not postin the poem, as i said i would. But please pardon me.

BOTY actually stands for "battle of the year". In breakdancing, a battle is a 'competition' between usually 2 crews, where they battle it out to see who's better. But in the camp, there is nothing doing with battle OF THE YEAR.

It started at 6.30AM. That was the time when I reached Edmund's house. He's already awake! I am brining one hifi radio, one video camcorder, and one sling bag. It's not easy to walk fast with them. After I reached his place, we went out for breakfast. Edmund went to toprock in the middle of the road, and did a flag. I did a long flag, and then later a hollow at the side of the road, my hands at the kerb area.

Then we went back to his place, then s0ng came. Then we started. We warmed up and conditioned for half and hour. During warmups and stretchin, I prayed for God to work in this camp,and give me the energy, strength to bboy for the day, along with all the ideas of combos that God will give. I also prayed for my friends, and family's salvation in Christ. SUDDENLY,

The big shot came. behold.... its XINFU.

We spent the first hour on style, then the next 2 hours on our aims, for me, it's just getting combos more and more combos, and the 19 aims. Then we battled it out. Yea, thanks xinfu, I learned more about downrock man.

Then we went back, took a bath, and took our lunch. I ate 2 bowls of soup bee hoon.

We went town, reached there at 2.30. We can't watch a movie because it's too expensive, and times are not suitable, and a lot of them are fully booked. So, we went esplanade. We met MAKMUR at taka down there! He just came back from Indonesia.

Down there, we broke, Edmund got his jackhammers back! He can now pump 8 to 9 liao. I learned holding forearm handstand there. It's a little more difficult than sitting down, but it's still necessary. And we learned something there! And could not believe FTC commented on our crickets!

We went back, we broke again, till 11. That's 8 and a half hours of breaking for a day. Broke our record. Usually in hols, we will break for 5 and a half hours, when we session.

We slept around 12.30. And it's a bad night for me. I seriously can't sleep very well. I woke up around 5 times that night. And finally, my cough woke me up, it also woke Ervin up. We played halo 2. And Ervin is thrashin everyone of them. Think of this guy who Edmund, Xinfu, and I teamed up against, and can manage to get 95 frags, while Xinfu, Edmund and my kills only add up to 47!

And we broke again. Man this one rocks man. I learned battle techniques, and all about burning. Improved greatly on that aspect. Thanks God. Thank Kyensai.

Then before I left, xinfu commented that i have a special ability to move my body. Then he told me that I can invent a type of toprock that can incorporate this style. I learned a way of inventing toprock. It's the 'actcool' style. I think it will work.

Thank you Kyensai, thank you God. You gave me all the strength, the mental, the spiritual, and physical. You gave my my combos. Thanks Kyensai, I learned a lot from you guys through the BOTY camp. I improved immensely through this camp. And I indirectly learned consistent 90s by looking at XF's 90s. I will tell you how moiyt. Thanks man.

Signing off. NIGHTS! 1.47AM

Back from youth camp.
Sunday, December 18, 2005 0 comments

Youth camp was nice. Dam shiok. The only bad thing, for me, is being the leader of my clan. :P.

Anw the first day we all get sorted out, then some games. After that night service, by pastor Kenneth Teo. Man he rox.

Second day we are playing "empire building". To build an empire you need resources. And to get them you have to go through CHALLENGES. The committee will be the "saddists". There are 3 resources. Water, Stone, and.... dono wad. Anyway, for the Stone, we must BEG. For the Water, we must play get sprayed by the committee while playing a game. For the dono wad, we have to play the freeze and unfreeze game, while the committee tries to make us luff. If we luff, we have to do over again.

To get water, the game is this. We all have to stand on 5 chairs, and move to the finishing line. whilst doing this, our feet cannot touch the ground. We must only stand on the chairs, while the committee, along with SOME HELPERS spray us with water from the pails and waterguns, to distract us, and for some fun. So to get to the finishing line, we must squeeze to 4 chairs (there are 8 altogether), and pass the last one to the front.

To get stone, we must beg for it. The guy in charge will ask you to do all sorts of funny stuff. But this guy we get asked us to do rubbish stuff like emptying the bins, picking up litter. Some other groups got funny stuff like, rolling a person across everyone, who are all lying down. They have to roll him across.

To get the dono wad resource we must play the freeze and unfreeze game. We have to do it countless number of times. Some of them are really funny. They cracked us a lot. They make funny comments and actions. One of the actions i have a real difficulty coping is this the guy in charge doing push ups in the the air in front of me. I cracked twice because of that.

After that is the dinner, then the service. It's very great. This is the first time I really FELT God's presence. It's so strong! Pearl and Char led the worship, and it's really cool to see God's name raised until so high, and real cool to see the worship leaders reminding us again and again to look to God, not to them. What great stuff. And on that night, the altar call, everyone's up there. God's up there, always. I raised my hand up to God. I never felt this ever in my life before. Because this time I truly believed. Because this time I say that I realy never want to remain in this anymore, because this time I know and totally believe, with complete faith, that God will take it away, that God is gonna do something tangible. There had always been things questioning me about healing, from other religions. But I know, that my God is to depend on him, not myself. Not meditation. NOTHING can earn my salvation. I believe God will take it away, once and for all. And as I raised up my right hand to God, tears flowed. I felt God so strong, and he said that he would do it. He told me that it will be alright. What the love of God is it, although I sinned against him so much for so long. And I prayed for a long time. After that, it's a feeling I cannot describe. I'm FREE. FREE! FREE not from control of ppl, not from the control of the state, not of the government, but free of the things, the few things (don worry too much for me, i have little problems) that I SERIOUSLY want to get rid of. I am free. This is not hapiness, the happiness of freedom from the oppressive government! It's internal freedom. I am FREE. I wrote a poem about it on my friend's notebook. I will post it up, the next post, again.

The next day is worship. It's my seksay friend and I leading the worship. And now, after being fired up and touched by the holy spirit, I DARED to lift my hands up, even if no one is doing it. It's a complete new fire for God. It's not myself daring myself to do it. Last time I tried doing it, it worked very rarely, then I returned to my old self. Last time, though I feel like doin it, but i felt shy, but now I don't. It's just a driving force that I am not familiar with that made me raise it up. Something like, that it's not me raising up the hand, but someone telling me that it's alright, just raise it up. It's God sayin "It's alright, it's between you and me, and no one else". What a difference this camp made. Thank you God.

After the service is the games. We played captain's ball using TOMATOES. We gotta play till the tomato is broken to so small, maybe 1cm by 1cm large. We are overpowered. One member is absent, the other had weak ankle! I am the guy with steroids. The most animated player in the youth. I went to dive at one stupid small piece of tomato, rolled on the groud, and screamed nonsense. In school, I am known as Chemical in soccer, because I run like madman, and tackle like madman, and ram like madman (i seldom score). This is wad i did for the match, just that i did not throw the tomato at the captain like a baseball pitcher (I can't imagine anyone doing it and actually MISSES it. Maybe, hit someone's face?)

Then it's the WAR GAMES. We have to capture the flag from other teams. Every one have a cloth tucked in his pants, representing his life. I captured one flag, and got one frag. I'm the flagbearer of my team, got fragged twice. Firstly by the STUPID committee!! XD I was talking to Issac, then suddenly he lunged his hand forward and took my life. I got FRAGGED. Issac i am gonna kill you. Then the second time is by the long finger guy... TIANYONG. I was turning and pushing the flag round and round to block him. It worked. But this time, I blocked, and tianyong's long fingers went further than anyone else's, around the flag post! Pro face. You took my life and my clan's flag. Haiya. My team ended up the 4th place.

At night, comes the buffet. It's really good. The food is nice. Then it's the celebration service. We gotta do a skit. I acted as a princess called papayarella (not my idea...). This name came out ecause i love papayas. Wei Liang acted as the prince. Gina and Josephine acted as the 2 ugly sisters, Benjamin as the fairy Godfather. Charmaine as the TOWER, Chen Xiang (sorry I don't know how to spell your name) as the narrator, and Sandy is not acting. Because she is the directress.

It's really funny. Other groups are EXTREMELY funny. Tianyong, from another clan acted sissy as a knight called "GAYLORD". In his clan, Chara is the PROP. The idea of the PROP is DAM FARNI. She acted as a ROCK, a DOOR, and a HUMAN. Another group, the Huns are oso dam farni. They got Joy to act as the princess, and she acted very well. Then the battle is actually 2 ppl playing scissors paper stone. HOW RETARTED!!! LOL.

In the end, Huns won the contest, my clan got the CONSOLATION along with 2 other clans. There is no lights out. I stayed up till around 3AM. I breakdanced a lil. Still needa practice right? I also played a lil soccer. From 3AM to 8AM when I woke up, i never moved my body, as in i never even shifted a bit since the moment i slept.I woke up in the same position, same direction.

In this camp, I played a nice amount of soccer. I really loved being a defender. Loyal defender. haha. Because of that, I commited some Extreme asburd of soccer skills. During a clearance, I slammed the ball out of my half (the field is about only 50 meters), and it is going out. BUT because the ball is super light, and there is wind, and it's spinning to a curve, it curved SO MUCH that it actually went into a GOAL. I kicked it from 30 meters away. Thanks to the wind! Extreme Asburd of Soccer Skills (EASS). Then I tried it another time, but the goalie caught it. Another one is the midnight game. I was blasting at any chance (I am running up and down). Got close a few times, went in once. The goal size is about 1.6 meters wide. Amazingly, from 18 meters, still went in. Both shots are EXTREME luck. Extreme Asburd of Soccer Skills.

But most importantly, I am closer to God. I am close to him, much closer to him. My faith is greatly increased. Thank you God for this camp, my clan, the food, the pastors, the worship team, the EASS, the games, the bunks, the transport, and what you had done through this camp, to everybody involved in it.

A test.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005 1 comments

Another test has come. This is a trial.

I know it very well. I know that it's a trial. About a month ago, Edmund had this trial. I don't know whether it's over for him yet. But i know that it just started for me.

It's the "I don't feel God" trial. For the first day of this trial, I really felt like shit. I mean, REALLY like SHIT the noun, shit. I don't feel good, and like the days when I was a very bad backslider. This didn't cause me to sin more, though. It just make me feel very crap. It's like, I feel that nothing is done, I feel that I had so much to do but all I did is worthless. I prolly spent TOO much time on my computer. That's for the first few days.

Then today, I am startin to get used to it. Today I restarted reading the bible. I realized this trial got me closer to God. Because in these times, in these negative times, must I not rely on myself. I must go to God. This is a trial which purpose I know. Thank God for this trial. And now my church youth camp is coming. And I'm excited!

I hope it will do something. I know it will :)

To everyone: If you encounter the same trials i am going through now, only look to God. Sometimes you can't feel God's love. It's ok. That doesn't mean that you had backslided. That doesn't mean that you had done something wrong! And that surely doesn't mean that God loved you less. That's all lies the enemy will give you.

For example, you stead, your spouse, your parents all do love you. But just because you don't feel their love doesn't mean they stopped loving you. God sometimes draws back so you cannot FEEL. But God doesn't want a relation based on passion (Feel). But he wants a relationship based on true love, from the heart. God wants you to KNOW him, LOVE him, not idolize him. So he draws back. Because you can't feel him, you will not depend your love for God based on FEELINGS, but for the truth. For what God had done, for WHO HE IS, not what you FEEL.

Ok. There is nothing wrong to feel God. But do not base your love for God on feelings. If you feel him, you think you love him. If you don't, you think you don't love him. That's a lie by satan. Whether you feel it or not, if you really love God, you LOVE him! To get out of this and benefit from it, focus yourself on God. Pray hard, pray regularly, read the truths of God, rely on the promises of God. Call your friend, your pastor, to go through all these with you. Then you will emerge with the LORD's desired result, for you.

When you work
Saturday, December 10, 2005 0 comments

This post is not gonna be long, I suppose.

There are 4 levels of work:

Level 1: You do it because of the reward.
Level 2: You do it because to avoid punishment.
Level 3: You do it out of duty (you know you have to)
Level 4: You do it out of love (because you love that person, and just want to help out)

Level 4 is the deepest. Do it for the reson of doin it. Do it because you love that peron, because you want to ease that person's burden.

When you work for anyone, be it God, be it household work, be it for your family, your friend. As in do a so-called "chore", for anyone, do it on level 4.

Do it the same for your family and friends as if you would do it for God. Work as if its for Hm. It's His commandment. Furthermore, it's our loved ones! We must do out part, out of love, as a gesture!

Truths of God. (published on 3 Dec, on 12.27pm)
Saturday, December 03, 2005 0 comments

There are a million ways that satan can pull you away from God. It's not wise to get the answers for all the million ways. The best way, the only way, is to rely and stand by God's promises, and the truths of his word.

Satan's ways are unlimited, but the same patterns. First, is doubt (did this REALLY happen?, Did God REALLY exist?), Second, is by human intelligence (we cannot understand a lot of things God did, and made, until he tells us, and it gets obvious. God does things in such intellectuality that we cannot comprehend). Third, is your forgetfulness and negligence (he will twist truths of the bible and use it against you).

Forgetfulness and negligence is the key to the rest of the 2 "patterns". You can ask "why is there so much weak, poor, suffering?". Because everyone is sinful. The rich are proud, the strong are oblivious to others. The powerful are abusive. It is written in 1 corinthians:

"But God chose the foolish things of this world to put the wise to shame. He chose the weak things of this world to put the powerful to shame.
What the world thinks is worthless, useless, and nothing at all is what God has used to destroy what the world considers important. God did all this to keep anyone from bragging to him. "

1 Corinthians 1:27-29 (Contemporary English Version)

Secondly, human intelligence. We cannot understand some things God did. Like the crucifixion of Christ. The Jews at that time are saying...wth?! It seems really misleading and illogical. Of course, it looks fake. Imagine a man, standing on the hill, saying that he is the MESSIAH, and preaching about PEACE with the people, including the enemy, which is, at that time, the romans. You must think this guy is crazy. Furthermore, you heard that he had never sinned before. You will be like...wth?! But this is not the point. And now look at the sin of man. God planned the whole line of family since day one, before he created earth. He knew when you will be born, he planned it. But because man sinned, he had to send his son down. Because there is totally no way for man to go the God, because of his sins. Not by good works, by merit, can anyone reach God. God therefore scheduled for Christ to come down at 1AD. So we can be reunited with God.

Let's see. Man cannot reach God because of sins. And man is sinful. It's passed down. It cannot be cleaned. It again, seems illogical. It's like totally innocent, totally unfair. As in like, sometimes we don't know that we sinned! What is this?! But again, see this. God doesn't want us to remain like that. So he sent his son, Jesus, so he can die for our sins, to reunite us with God. For 2 illogical, no meaning things, to come together, forms a thing full of meaning. Of purpose. The Jews at that time are waiting for a Messiah, who they think will perform great signs and miracles, to destroy the romans, and establish a new Israel. But that isn't so. What came is the POP(Prince of Peace). He created peace so that we all can be saved. No one's to die. It's written:

"18For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
20Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
26Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29so that no one may boast before him. 30It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31Therefore, as it is written: "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."

1 Corinthians 1:18-31 (NIV)

What sense it makes! You meditate on this verses. It really made a lot of meaning. A lot of sense. Even the FOOLISHNESS OF GOD is more intelligence than the MOST OF INTELLIGENCE OF MAN. I know you know this, I know you have went past this verse many times before. But meditate on it. Think, if God's foolishness can surpass the most of intelligence of man, how many things can we not comprehend! Even the crucifixion of Christ! Thanks Ewen for telling us much more behind this verse. :)

Hold fast in the promises of God. The prophecies to pass. All that is to come. All that had happened to your neighbours, to you, to the Christians of the world, to the people, to the church, the revival. The miraculous signs and wonders. The things which happen, and non-believers would just say "It's logic","It's expected","Why shouldn't it happen?". The things that non-believers cannot understand, but we understand it as the full power of Christ. Think of the times that God is real to your friends. Think of the experiences of your friends, your pastors. Think of God working through prayers, and answering them, when you don't even know it, which is in most of the cases. And most of all, read the bible, the book of truth, the truths of God, and the reason on why he did them. You will know far more than you are before reading it. You can be a wise Christian. You may discover a lot of bible truths just by life experiences and reading a few verses. But for a person who does not have this gift of wisdom, yet reads the bible, he is more protected, a more experienced, a stronger christian.

This is the 100th post!-- the danger of the mask. God is and IS the key to remove it.
Thursday, December 01, 2005 0 comments

Man in a mask,
Is enclosed in a vase.
Man covered by cloth,
Is letting it be it's boss.

The mask of limiting vision,
Opaque to the light,
Dragging your flight,
For your eternal mission.

The cloth of half-blindness,
The cause of self-confusion,
It's a well-deserved bull-charge,
At your root-stucked feet.
Self-destruction follows.

Don't take the mask,
Don't flake the cloth!
A touch of the mask,
A feel of the cloth,
Is a habit hard to pass.

Rip off the mask!
Rip off the cloth!
Rip off those Limiters of faith!
Rip off those destroyers of grace!

The cause of those morphing faces,
In the change of different places.
The cause of pain,
The stoppers of gain!
The cause of confusion,
The barriers to construction!
The road to desolation,
The diverter from joy.

A masked man,
A blindfolded man--
A lost man,
A confused man,
A man,
Of self-destruction.

The man of complexity.
The man of doubt.
The man of self-consciousness.

Copyright, www.christian-bboy.blogspot.com, written by Wong Yuan Hao, on 1st december 2005.

That may sound kiasee but, really, to prevent copy.

the author
b^2 - 4ac

does cocaine, ice, CANNABIS
anti-heavy metal music
extremely hot tempered
anti-drug campaignist

21st dec 2006 :):):)
Kyensai SEKSAY`

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    designer: ambivalente
    brushes: fm.net
    lyrics: getty