Day 20
Newark, New York
1015-1050 shuttle to manhattan
1050-2300 explore manhattan
Including little italy, rows of mama shops, Chinatown,
An elementary school, going shopping at a megadiscount
Departmental store, battery park, 911 site and the piers.
Tomorrow a jam coming up. Interesting.. Lets see them in action!
Labels: Travel
day 16
Orange County, CA
0730 - wake. the earliest so far
1030 - 1830 Universal studios Hollywood!
1930 - 2030 Realized we missed the train, and that the next one comes an hour later, we grabbed lunch but found a jail instead -.- Finding food is NOT easy.
2030 - 2100 Took Amtrak train to practice
2120 - 0030 PRACTICE
Universal studios did a good job! I mean, it's one of the few originals we went. Imagine that, Universal studios in HOLLYWOOD. It was good stuffs there man.
Practice was good. Learnt various methods of practicing, making routines, and cypher and battle techniques. Really one of the best sessions I ever had. Too bad hyperextended ma fingers, and had to cut it for the last half hour.
Scoobs, Cream, Cook and gang invited us to join BattleHolex at the end of the session. I mean, i am not a battle-holic, but getting to know all these people, is like opening a huge waterfall of contacts, opportunities, and amazing people I could learn from, interact with, and get to know better. As my 2 reasons why I break is because: 1. That I love to move with the music because I am hyperactive, and 2. So i could understand a subculture, and this vast network of people. For the very very least, being a Battle Holex allowed me to accomplish the second goal. But altruistically, I hope it could help the Singaporean scene when we get back to the island!
Labels: Travel
day 15
Orange County, CA
1200 - Wake
1300 - 1730 - Go Flea market, bought 2 tees @ 5$ each, and went supermarket
1730 - 1830 - Dinner
1900 - 2030 - Nap
Bought the AirMax BW Persian Red
Thanks to Zulu Scoobs for his fresh suggestions during sessions. Interesting stuff Remind said about battling in R16, and using his head so much in toprocks. Great to see total freestyle practice!!
Labels: Travel
just a pretty face
you sweep the feet of men as their eyes fell on you albeit the quickness, casual glimpse
sometimes it transpires as passing comments, in other cases, long conversations and the use of protection (and not)
you lead us in a maze, hynotic is your voice, entralling is your gaze, your looks so coy.
but just as you shine under the flashing lights, just as you own the dancing night, the light shines through, and my look strikes through, like hitting a mannequin, hollow, plastic, glass-eyed.
from here, the spark has left your eye. like an eye-glassed with cataract. so young, so lovely, you're present but somewhere else, you precious spirit, missing soul. like the wisp in the mist, a green could of a dead person.
i know you got soul. but where did you leave it? when has it left you?
day 13 (?)
Orange County, CA
Day 13 (?)
Ive no idea day no. what this is cos of the 19 hour flight and the resultant jet lag.
sleep @ 0445
Wake @ 1600
going out later, dno where and when
Labels: Travel
day 10
Taoyuan, Taiwan
Time: 0129
Reveille: 1000 (the EARLIEST since)
1130 - 1230: Walk THREE rounds around Taipei central station to find a marker pen
1230 - 1430: Meet up w/ Xf's sister and friend, have lunch buffet for 15S$
1430 - 1630: Get marker pen @ Daiso, then write the card for our godsisters
1630 - 1830: Went north of Shilin to shop. Forgot the place. This is what i got:

AIRMAX CLASSIC WHITE for S$65! It would easily have been double back in SG.
1945 - 2200: Fawesome dinner with freshwater fish and fat beef saturated in saturated beef sauce with Godsisters.
Leaving for the US tomorrow! Am I ready for it? Not really. But I'm ready for one thing: to learn.
Could never have imagined back when I was young that I would go to the states at the tender age of 21. If not for bboying, I would never have went there so early. Maybe sometime in my life, but not at 21. I'm not there for an all-out vacation kind of thing. but above all, through all, to learn about people, myself, my friends, and bboying.
Apologies for the lack of photos. I didn't take a lot this trip!
Labels: Travel
day 9(night)
Taoyuan, Taiwan. Time: 2314
It was day 8 yesterday, sorry for the error :S
Revielle: 1330
1615-1720: 60$ Linner @ dingTaiFung. We never ate anything after that.
1720 - 1900: Eslite bookstore. I think I'm going to buy travel journal from there for last minute shopping
1900-1930: Went to HRC studio. Fail. they only coming at 10.
1930-2030: Walk around taipei main station to find bboys
2030-2200: SESSIONSESSIONSESSION with Soulfresh crew
2200 - 2300: Journey back to taoyuan
Ok why we woke up at 1330 is because we were watching a movie yesterday until err 0530. Before that, we were reddening Xinfu's hair with Loreal hair dye. Too bad can't upload anything now :(
Finding the bboys were HARD. we heard that they were somewhere at Taoyuan main station. But what they didn't tell us was that its a 500m walk through an underpass to find them. Coupled with some twists and turns and promising discounts in stores along the way, we made it there. Didn't really ask many questions today, just good ol practice. And boy when was the last time I had something like that. Have the freedom and the time to experiment on anything I want to and take my time!
Looks like being in different environment affects your style. I'm learning and taking on a little of their style. My trick experimentation is more groundfreeze transition focussed. I'm more aware of my limbs and body in every movement. I work on hardening my body for the points it supposed to be, and flow out of it as gracefully as Roger Federer's forearm.
Labels: Travel
day 9
Taoyuan, Taiwan
Maybe for the first time in my life on an overseas vacation trip, the feeling of weariness and difficulty of the trip entered my head. I knew that the 33 day journey was not going to be easy. First for the duration, and for the fact that we are stepping out of our comfort zones.
The past few days we've been breaking with Suicidal Break Crew (SBC) and Top Coalition. Tomorrow we may be breaking with HRC, I dono, cos the point of contact is in army -.-
We all should experience life outside Singapore. The day to day living, the knowledge and assimilation to citizenship. That's why we should travel. So we can see more pages to a book, so we can write more chapters of our own. Some of my opinions about the Singaporean scene is challenged somewhat by talking to the bboys there. Each, as it seems, has his own opinions of his own local bboys. It's fresh to realize that sometimes we think alike. And it's through this alikeness that, we know that we're different.
Hi, from Taiwan
This is what is going on in my life currently, in terms of events.
33 DAY EXTRAVAGANZA!Itinerary5-15 JuneTaiwan: Miaoli, Taipei, Taoyuan, ShanxiaActivities: Night market, Food trail, Taipei 101, Historical sites, Old townUnexpected extras you bitches wont get: Super service, taxi driver who was a race car driver, FLEAROCK AND TOP COALITION, AMAZING GODSISTERS, university visits, watching the sun kiss the horizon on a public train racing along the shoreline, getting conned on taxi, TBA............15June - 3 JulyUnited States of America: Los Angeles, New York, OrlandoActivities: Rockerfeller center, Shooting firearms, Universal studios, Walt disney world, Shopping at factory outlets, Ken Swift masterclass, For Your Soul JamsUnexpected extras you bitches don't get: TBA3 July - 5 JulyFlight back on China Southern Airlines5July - 7JulyTaiwan: Taizhong OR /Tainan regionActivities: TBALabels: Travel