holds nothing back
nothing!!!! all will be DISAPEARED!!
not celebrating now, but im celebrating the breakin free of this bondage that is holding me back for this time. i am breaking away. facing everything, facing it. and i dont care anything thats gonna come my way to try to change my stand. it is firm. i have put my trust and everything in God. It will come to pass. It will pass in God's will. :D:D:D:D
I don't knoe why, but im smiling now. A mild smile, but flushed with assurance and deep understanding, security.
Everything will come to an end, so will this chapter be shut always, as i continue writing the book of my life, listening to the resounding punishments and knowledge of my past. the pen keeps flowing, yuanhao keeps being a christian :D and these are sum of the ppl i love most in sch.
Thats kyensai, from left to right: xinfu, me, daniel, edmund
I've got a direction man. not holding anything back. man, im merciless and powerful. jkjk. i mean christian and determined :D As my last post declares that im hurting more and more now, ive decided 2 finish everything off completely, for its really for the better. DONT U THINK SO PEOPOLE?
Labels: sincerely
tommorrows the last day of students council campaigning.
lots of fun ive had these days, with my classmates who helped me in doing my shiz. now alot of ppl knoe the prank posters are from me. haha watever la, its for the fun of it man :) n teachers beware :) u gave us knowledge, we'll celebrate your help to us X)
When everything descended upon me, i took off. I had prepared for its arrival because i anticipated it. Carrying as little stuff with me as possible so to escape quickly. Gray blankets the sky, sign of something catching up, overcast. Every fiber of my being is unanimously tired, but i'll pipe out the last of me to escape It.
My thighs are screaming, the person inside me running is really debilitated. A short sprint's ahead, I burst my way through, numb towards the sore that my muscle contracts. It's behind. I've run past it. I'm at least safe for the instant. I am.
Dusks and dawns falls and rises. As each day brought about a new ache from my misadventure. Facing the sky every night, alone, brought back, in rain, even when looking at the satellites, that I'm not alone; i have Jesus with me. Day and night comes and pass. Every evening, as the source of light erodes under the horizon, alone, brought back, through clouds, even when staring at the torch, reminded and reminding that my road's demolished. Knowing it well for myself. And the past comes to tickle; and It is still at my back. And i can't really ignore it.
Labels: Literary
hehe elections n campaigning
is so so fun
"in love with love"
wow, how true of humans. how true of us.
but i was wondering: we fall in love with love so much, wanting it, recieving it.
but have we ever given love?
love to the guy at the corner, the one crying out, the one who fails all the time, the weirdo in class, the broken and bitter guy keeping to himself in this world, the guy every1 calls weird.
Do we?
pre xf bdae!
saw a skyline 2dae. r34 skyline. i only took the rear, din take the front.

4 ppl who dno this car, it is a car made by nissan. its not on sale now, production stopped few years back. stock engine come with arond 250 hp, bt stock engine can be further tuned in excess of 100. 1 of the best tuner cars made. All wheel drive, V6 turbocharged.
anw, was in sch 2day doin hw n helping edmund n the SPAStick party do their campagining!
thats junen wif a HEART on his face
After tat kyensai went to chill wifout edmund cos he nid to continue council work =(
this is kyensai:

students council!
to start off, i am
NOT running for council. but im interested in the process of it =D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D=D
n im eager to do sth.
fotos in sch taken in the past few days. behold what they are gonna turn to!
don't close your eyes
Switchfoot - this is your lifeYesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead Yesterday is a promise that you’ve broken Don’t close your eyes, don’t close your eyes This is your life and today is all you’ve got now Yeah, and today is all you’ll ever have Don’t close your eyes Don’t close your eyes This is your life, are you who you want to be This is your life, are you who you want to be This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be When the world was younger and you had everything to lose Yesterday is a kid in the corner Yesterday is dead and over This is your life, are you who you want to be This is your life, are you who you want to be This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be When the world was younger and you had everything to lose Don’t close your eyes Don’t close your eyes Don’t close your eyes Don’t close your eyes This is your life are you who you want to be This is your life are you who you want to be This is your life, are you who you want to be This is your life, are you who you want to be This is your life, is it everything you dreamed it would be When the world was younger and you had everything to lose And you had everything to lose that was from an album some years back, but its power is still as strong. =D
life goes on. life's strong. livestrong in the arms and in the name of God. i can really relate to it, on how the song reminds me of my purpose and my sights here. Reminding me and telling me not to give up on the promises of God, and the promises i made to God.
sometimes i've been thinking why do i want to save the 'unsavable'. i wonder how i tell people the reason for me wanting to save the hardest people to. not as if their opinions are gonna stop me from doing it anyway.
christians and non christians alike are God's creation. but we are not christians to choose who to enter heaven, who to be with God, who to get saved. If everyone takes the 'easy' ones, who will be there to reach out to the 'hard' ones to save? those people who will deter your faith, who get enraged at the thought of God, who hates God to the core? However hard they hate God, God still loves them,
and its not as if we are worthy at all. who will be there to reach people, who God so longs, and who never had a chance, or who God will not have a chance for a person to pass the fire? Jesus took the pain for all of us. not just me. not just for the select few.
c'mon and break me.
back 2 dis blog
i miss blogspot. for the simple reason that i can express myself better here. text formatting is easier, picture uploading is easier, without limits n all that. Can post a poem with indents and colors and strikeouts, all that stuff man.
SWITCHED BACK TO: christian-bboy.blogspot.com from christianbboy.wordpress.com
after 149 posts of absence. I miss this place. the tags, the themes, the customizations!
anyway, i was at kap jus now. which was a quarter of a day ago. penned this:
Looking upon everything from the glourious place of His,
Admiring everything He created in 7 days.
Let the love flow from the fountain of His heart.
From 2, to billions he created over time,
For pure love they were made,
For perfection they were made.
Thousands of years, millions pass their generations,
As love and hate collide.
Let the love flow from His heart like a river,
For every one who turn against Him simmer.
For selfishness they turned their backs,
For sin came, they break their necks.
Another life, Another day,
One by one they fade away, into their so-called freedom.
Every night he screams, every day he cries.
Unfinished lives, undying heart, unstoppable will.
For true love salvation descend,
For reconciliation be his will.
Like grasshoppers they all fall for the bait,
Into the ants which shred them all.
Crying out, He sent His only One.
For endless love and destruction gone forever,
For destruction's death, the birth of life again.
For reconciliation be his will.
Labels: Literary