one bar
Last night was a bomb. Forgot vodka absorbs slower than alcohol. So I got myself drunk -.- lucky no hangover. Everythings over on the day itself. IT SUCKS TO BE DRUNK OK. Compared to my first time getting drunk, this is far alot more liquor. It's alike water parading Baron's extra strong, and drinking glasses of kahlua and smirnoffs. Sounds quite little. Actually I think alcohol is accelerated through accelerated speech. Whatever... I am not spouting nonsense last night.
Normally one would feel a great sense of pride and achievement, or maybe looking forward to OCS. Not for me. I would prefer SISPEC.
But more significant than this air of uncertainty is the undercurrent of dread. Unsure of what's in store for me, unprepared for the saikang that's going to come my way in 9 months. I would consider tranferring over to SISPEC. But I shall see how the 3 week confinement period is. I would reflect on how much I will learn and mature out of this phase.
The same ocean of uncertainty and splash of dread awaited me before my enlistment, before being flushed with confidence and assuredness (that I will take BMT in my stride without a hitch) on the day of enlistment itself. It went well. BMT was easy. Smoke it and take it in stride. Now OCS. It's not the masculinity which forms an anti-drop-out shield which I'm concerned. But what occupies my mind is my ability to even want to put up with the physical and mental torture. I don't mind torture, sometimes I welcome it. In fact, I chose OCS over SISPEC not because of preferance, but for the mental and physical development it will put me through. It's very interesting. Seldom would I have a chance to torture myself again. Another toast for the new year. One so far for completing 2.4 well under 10, now another for my OCS adventure. Hopefully, another toast for being commissioned as one bar.
And also for a study to see why we change so much in leadership positions: the situational influences, the dispositional make-up of our character, the all-too-powerful influence of anonymity and power.
And all to you my friends, who already called me sir, you guys give the extra push to tell me that I should go on and finish the course instead.
Training begins in 27 hours time.
Labels: friends n loved ones, national service
2nd enlistment
Results coming out as I tried to log in for the 7th time or something.
I hope it would be SISPEC. Please dont give me OCS.
not ocs
So during this intense moment I should abbreviate SISPEC.
whatever. just tank it la. though this be against my will i prayed for it and here it is :) so take it well yh ;)
Good Lord.
peace :)
Labels: christian-bboy, God, national service
tests part 2
Took some at blogthings. Most of them are like bogus. But these are fine:
You Are Dare

You are outrageous, adventurous, and wild. You live to have fun.
You are all about taking risks and pushing limits. You love the rush of doing something forbidden.
Like most daring people, you are highly intelligent and creative. That's why you get bored so easily.
You need a lot of stimulation and novelty in your life. You aren't satisfied with the mundane.
Your Attention Span is Short

What attention span? It's difficult for anything to keep your interest.
You are so easily distracted, it's a wonder you could finish this quiz!
You find focusing a challenge. Your mind tends to wander to the strangest places.
While it may be hard for you to complete tasks, you're very creative.
You are easily inspired, and you are often thinking of something interesting.
The world would be a boring place without people like you.
You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament

Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace.
You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions.
You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.
It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.
You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.
While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.
At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.
You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.
You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.

When you're confronted with a problem, you take it on immediately - but with your eyes wide open.
You deal with stress well. You take things as they come, and you don't panic.
In fact, you often enjoy challenging situations. Difficulty makes you feel alive.
You are alert and observant. You notice every twist and turn in the road.
The bottom 2 are the best. The moment I saw the title I'm already so damn certain, beyond all horizons of doubt that I am most alike "copper" and "alternate" respectively. Take a look.
You Are Copper

You are provocative and challenging. You help people realize who they really are.
You live a very balanced life. You always take time for love and art.
You are both a powerful and generous person. You always have time to give back.
People find you to be incredibly ethical and loyal.
You Are "alt"

Some people might find you to be strange, mysterious, and even a bit off putting.
You tend to be drawn to and influenced by alternative lifestyles. You're definitely not normal.
Once people get to know you, they realize you're interesting, intriguing, and very intelligent.
You have a lot of knowledge stored in that big brain of yours. Most of it is useless knowledge, but some of it is very useful.
Labels: jab
I think it's about time for me to get my butt moving after 8 months of lazing around. Since the first time I decided to study for exams, since the first time I remember myself entering the dance studio in a chilling, damp night, carrying books and notes not knowing where to start revision for econs, begins my starvation from bboy.
And up to yesterday's chilling, dry night did I make a point to resume what and where I left off. So hopelessly behind, but glad that I made the decision nonetheless. No use saying that one won't give up bboying but in fact he had. Just say it in the face. I give up.
My decision in the opposite. No matter what command school will fling at me, I will pluck time up to pursue this passion.
Guys, it matters to me whether you guys bboy or not in the future. But I will never account bboying to our bonding, just like many of you would not I am sure. Some of you guys would have given up silently. Please don't pledge to each other. These facts are only true to yourself. So if you quit, it's still alright :) We will stick together for a lifetime :))
But I am making a decision to continue, at least for the phase of NS when it's hardest to do so (NS, give me the shit man). So I hope you guys will follow.
Labels: awakening, bboy, friends n loved ones, future, God, kyensai, resolutions, sincerely
Psychology is always interesting. But to me, understanding how people are screwed doesn't give much an opportunity for me to screw around with people. Moreover, it dissects and analyzes people in a more dispositional than situational perspective. I would prefer it as a side-study, and also, a journey of slow self-discovered knowledge.
Sociology is something which grew to be of interest partially because of Chinese A2. Alike psychology, it incorporates the understanding of the human behavior, but with a more macro, situational, societal perspective. After NUS open house, I'm quite sure that I would take sociology as my major, cos of my love of understanding the workings, movements, and trends of people.
Business is the more practical solution to a degree. If someone were to not be sure of anything, business is the push-button. An all-rounded education. Contrary to popular perception, you don't have to take business only when you want to start business. It educates a lot on the corporate world, equipping you with a wide range of skills the corporate environment demands. However, it's not much of my philosophy of "screwing around with people and having fun", nor does it strongly enforce my philosophy of looking at dealings as games and stuff. But nonetheless, I will consider. I may take a minor in business, or 2 majors: sociology and business (is that allowed?).
I would not like to do anything which I don't love. I had already made a mistake by taking a subject combo in IB which I do not really like. Should not have taken math HL, nor should I have taken Chem HL. Should have dumped in a history instead. I would not want to continue this mistake in uni. There are relatives and friends who ask me why I want to take sociology and not consider science-based, or economics-based majors. They have a point in the immense potential of these 2 areas, but it's not something I have a dying passion in. I have practically zero drive in science, and a good drive in econs, but I would love most to discover the inner workings of society and people (ie. a chance to screw around). As for my practical reasoning, I would say that social sciences increase your knowledge of societies, cultures, and people, making you an all-rounded, well-informed, sensitive, aware, empathetic individual. It thus opens up many career opportunities. And for the business side, I felt a need to take some of it because I need to understand the way people behave in the corporate world (though both spheres are much bonded together).
Labels: future
pop lo
After the 24km route march, I'm tired. After missing lunch, I'm quite drained.
Too bad dad didn't bring a camera for today. Could not take pix with the commanders who trained me the past 9 weeks. A token of appreciation.
Now, I need rest for ONE night.
Then we can go play. Hey come.
Labels: national service
wa the fwuah. Its 3 days to POP!
So fastly approaching. 20 more months to NS. Say that not. IT sounds longer.
Com just got repaired with a new motherboard. Must be my abuse of my com which brought about the malfunction of the mainboard. Ha.
Recently read a few books.
The Game and 1984. Now reading The Lucifer Effect.
I didn't regret buying any of those.
If any one of you fellow readers wanna borrow I should be able to lend :)
Labels: books, national service
why care so much?
Labels: :D:D, voice
guard duty
It forfeited 2 nights from me,
But it was worth it: the priceless memories we take back.
Labels: memories, national service