Happy birthday fridge!
Yesterday it was 10 years old, but, i forgot to blog and din even blog in the 1st place. So salute to your 10 years' of service to Wongs'!

Labels: commemoration, family
study traveller
I've been resorting to traveling, or placing myself in unfamiliar territories as a self-imposed measure to make sure I study. It's damn effective, but with the great cost of
boredom and feeling like an gong -.- Nonetheless, if one's kind to ignore these side-effects of 'nomadism', I actually find some things quite interesting, took a few photos along the way.
Recently, I've found a method to curb my nomadic measures. Study with the window open. yes i know it sounds damn stupid, but it's an effective way :) but only when mum's not using the com (cos her room has the most ventilation). That means, it leaves me with not a large window of time to study in these controlled conditions. Whatever it is, thank God I love exploration and sight-seeing, though the best of the concrete jungle isn't very picturesque.

Date: 13 Jun 2008. It was after some event, I forgot which, and I decided to go queensway, the whole idea came to a mess when I decided to go town RIGHT after queensway :| And I was waiting for 14, and I saw this middle aged short dude (shorter than me, HA.) in front of me with TUMOR calves. It just attracted my attention, cos his ankle looks small, and his achilles's tendon is also of decent size, but again, his ankle bones are small.

Date taken: 21 Jun 2008. After studying with Clarissa, I went national library to read and borrow books till they close. After which, I decide to take a huge detour home by bus 61, using the time to study. However, the bus, the lights, and the population were too forgiving on the wrong days :( So I stopped at Vivo and decided to go to the rooftop not only for the scenery, it's also cos i want to visit a friend of mine. But well, his business hours are over and so I decide to settle down to study.
The rooftop is FULL of couples, kissing, hugging, I love you, you loves me, theeloves. I expected it but it makes me feel like the
abnormal person. I am, indeed the anomaly.

Date taken: 28 Jun 2008, Bedok. Yes call me eccentric, I took 14 from queenstown all the way to tanah merah, a 90 minute bus ride. Lots of time to study, steep sloping chair, and a extremely slow sunset, kindling the acceptable quiet, comfortable feel in the bus with enough privacy. Anyway, I missed the last stop and had to get off IN the interchange with the bus parked. After walking around finding a place to fill, I found these 2 stalls. Both stalls are recommended by food channels, newspapers, but somehow everyone's purchasing from the stall.
THE BANDWAGON EFFECT was the first thing that clicked in my head. But on the other hand, the chicken rice is REALLY good. It's called great east chicken if i'm not wrong.

Date taken: hours after the previous photo. This one is very notable. A car stopping 5 meters ahead of everyone at the traffic junction.
ANTI-BANDWAGON BEHAVIOR. It's as if he's the safety car, or race leader... I don't know I was just figuring out names for the honda as I pass.
Tomorrow is chem and math. Balls I think i'm kinda screwed for math. And I dono how I'm feeling about chem. Well. YUAN HAO ITS LATE. still blogging at 0090 hours!
Labels: exams, school
I took a few quizzes just now on www.quizilla.com, and some were really accurate and revealing, some were a bit the unpredictable. Results as below (taken from different quizzes):
Emotional Complexity (how emotional are you?)
You are a very emotional person. Your feelings seem to vary frequently. One minute you can be hot and fiery the next you can be cool and aloof. Your adjustable emotions keep everyone on their toes.
Your not over him! (are you over him?)
You really should get over him! If its over its over! But then again I kno how hard it can be to get over your ex especially if you you were really in love! But try your hardest. Unless you havethis make-up break-up scene then you just need to stay together I mean come on! It gets reallly annoying! I know because I used to be in that kind of relationship! But now we are together for good!
My opinion: I was stunned at the results. Jaw-dropped, gaping mouth.
Fall (what season are you?)
You are fall. You are very self-reliable. You do things by yourself. You also enjoy peace and serenity. No matter what happens, you're the responsible one. you can survive even if there's no one there. You are very responsible and you like to go an spread!
You have the power to become a Shadow! (which superpower do you have?)
Cunning, smart, sneaky, usually the brains of an operation, you are usually on the quiet side and prefer to observe rather than interact. You learn by listening in to conversations and are able to blend in anywhere. Darkness is your natural element and you feel at home in it.
ICECREAM SANDWICH! (what sandwich are you?)
You are an icecream sandwich, congratulations. You are an odd person, and perfer cold, dark places. You are not a very happy person, and have a few close friends. Like an icecream sandwich, you are not easily accepted by regular sandwiches/people and are hard on the outside, but soft on the inside.
I found the second one very stunning, and the first one not being very accurate. But for the rest are quite cool. Some options are damn funny, some quizes aren't really true and conclusive, i just posted 5 results. Well its up to you guys to see if i really measure up to what the ruler.
Labels: findings
the only thing i can say is that its nothing about the opposite sex.
i can't believe it.
it happened.
Search myself to find a fault, silent screams to awaken. They come to pass, I am merely dust; Childhood fantasies of superheros, and the ability of immortality, emptiness, useless, painless, helpless, emotionless, expressionless. I cannot come to terms, I cannot truly understand, nor my inert abilities to grapple, to swallow, to digest, to fathom the end of one's time.
I can't write no more for now.
Labels: friends n loved ones
I went bright sparks today to check on scholarships. All public-sectored, all government jobs, not that I don't like, but just not really my interest. So it seems apparent that hopes of attaining, or even trying to attain local scholarships are long foregone. The major of "social sciences" is extremely wide major, with many job opportunities. But what
exactly do I want? I have no idea.
Gosh some of you must be thinking that I've gone a little too fast ahead but, not really. Hahaha. It's always great to think about these stuff ISN'T IT HAR. Yea it is, i don't know why I just exclaimed. Lol. The unbiased consideration of possibilities and opportunities hasn't slackened. No worries, let it come :)
Labels: future
ac n chem
Today I met Alistair Chew on my way home. So i missed a few buses as we ended up talking for about 15 minutes. He was out on his routine walking trips, for he "loves to walk". Was asking him about life, what he did for a living (which is providing tuition), and of course, his pHd thesis. Well it's going to be in a few months when we will hear "Dr. Chew" instead of Mr. Chew. Haha. Such a brilliant guy deserves a doctorate man.

Yes, and that's him, the guy in brown with a haversack, i know it's not so clear cos I took it on a moving bus, with a loud click that attracted numerous stares. Looks as cheerful as before, now with a wider face, which, he explains, is due to the increase in smiling, thus training his cheek muscles. Oh man I have to say his hair was SCHOOLBOI. Yes you don't get to see much of those nowadays.
Oh a lighter note, chem was fine actually. Yesterday I said how I'm doubtful in my abilities to get a acceptable, or decent grade by my standards. But on a darker note, ENGLISH IS SCREWED. Damn. All I really hope is to get a 15 for this paper, which is damn hard to get cos of my really insufficient revision. English Paper 2 is the paper I felt I'm going to die. Screw it. Do the best you can.
Back to studying,
Bon Voyage, yh!Labels: exams, friends n loved ones, screwed
h.i.t session 2
Tomorrow will be the second session of HIT. For further sessions I will report improvements so to better comment on this system of training. Anyway I have only about 2 months before I stop so I have to make full use of it! I should increase my gym frequency to 3 times a week (i have to do it now or else theres no more), unless there's dance training and stuff. And will hit my 60kg weight before cutting.
So far H.I.T had been cool, like, it increased my circumference and stuff. Amazing taking to account it's only one session. But tapes aren't all, the iron never lies, the iron is the real deal.
With this rate, i can clock a maximum of 24 gym sessions (which will probably end up with only 18) from now till cutting time. I can't give a solid verdict on it yet since it's my 2nd session tmr only. For those who aren't clear, HIT is high intensity training, characterized by:
1. Short workout times (For me is maximum 1 hour including warm ups of 15 mins)
2. Minimal number of sets done to maximum intensity.
3. Each set done till concentric or honest muscle failure, with a few forced reps, minimal help from assistant.
4. Short rests between sets. (For me, it's 1 minute between sets max.)
5. 3 stages of muscular contraction: Positive, Static, Negative are emphasized throughout the movement. Eg. Lifting a dumbell up with 2 counts, squeezing it at the top of the motion for 3 counts, and lowering the dumbell with 6 counts.
6. Feeling like shit after the entire workout.
Labels: exercise
Chem paper is tomorrow and I'm doing
ENGLISH -.-. And I don't feel good about chem at all. The only paper that made me feel this way, for reasons unknown, maybe I didn't do enough but well this' the first time I felt that feeling in a long long time. So I pray well I will do well for tomorrow that's the only thing I can rely on :)
Bon Voyage yh!Labels: exams

3rd person perspective
Sometimes when I re-look on my past posts, I shy away from embarrassment and think "did I really type that?". It's the epiphany that "I've changed", the simplest 2 words to describe the maturity with or without age. That includes looking at my past mistakes and past pitfalls, though I made it a point to never dwell in the past, they serve as powerful reminders, lessons and steps to my future. I look back and sometimes say to myself "are you out of your mind you dumb shit?". Sometimes I can't stand my erratic behavior, criticizing myself and often ask myself am I really beyond control, to which, I disagree to date.
It's interesting to pull out to a third person point of view to look at oneself, when one can truly see his ignorance, pride, mistakes, crimes one never thought he made. As I clicked my "oldest" mail, I spotted some mail from which the source is: myself. The contents are enough to make any friends doubt my sanity (I mean closer ones who know I'm not insane).
But isn't it good sometimes, you pull out to see your mistakes and successes and learn from them, each spurring steps to further victories in life? As each mistake, each unsuccessful trial isn't a failure, but a step towards success, as you know that some things just don't work out. Like say, I saw that self-mail (which is meant to mail myself a document), and realized that my behavior can be a little too erratic at times, and so must learn to control. A bit more.
Labels: astounded
"my eyes are an ocean in which my dreams are reflected" (Anna M. Uhlich)
"the eyes are the windows to the soul" (unknown)
"Anyone can look at other's eyes, but lovers can see into each other's souls through the eyes" (Larry Latta) - not quite.. I can see to souls even if we aren't lovers.
"the soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears"

my lenses are very clear. i was staring at the sun.
Labels: christian-bboy
This is probably one of the only times I've trained so hard or so intensely. This morning was with zi at the gym. The main characteristics:
1. Average of 1 warm up set before the real set.
2. The real set is maxed to failure, static strength emphasized. With assistant assisting on 3-4 forced reps.
3. Total of 6 different exercises: wide lat pulldown, narrow lat pulldown, underhand lat pulldown, barbell curls, preacher curls, deadlifts.
4. 1.5 minute rest between sets, regardless real or warm-up
5. Intense routine completed in 45 minutes.
I will rate it as 85% max intensity because rest period is a little too long, and negatives arent emphasized. But nonetheless it remained one of the most torturous workouts yet. The finisher, which are deadlifts really left me dead with traps, triceps, glutes, hams, and the erectus (not erectile tissue, but lower back) dying.
Zi kinda died after the lat pulldowns so he stopped right there. Totally understandable cos' as he just started gyming he's not used to this level of intensity. Rather he rest than get sick and miss the exams.
The next time round i shall try 100% intensity, or something much closer than 85%. But it'll probably leave me dying. But isn't that the good thing? No pain, no gain! A confirmed spurge in growth hormone levels!
Labels: exercise
Going to make myself commit to myself to never dance like that ever again.
They were right when i was terrible.
Just have to look at myself from another lens.
To see that i was really terrible.
Can i finally pull off something im proud of? besides tt bankai in hci?
Labels: resolutions
I've realized i've already blogged 502 posts, including this. and this' the breakdown:
149 - www.christianbboy.wordpress.com47 - www.breakdancer-blackhawk.blogspot.com284 - www.christian-bboy.blogspot.com21 - www.kyensai-seksay.blogspot.comIs blogging a mere recitation of events? A declaration of an oath? A public CV? Some use it to express their ideas, some
attempt to use it to express their ideas because everyone else is doing it. Some use it to show off what they've done, what they've achieved. To some, blogging had lost its purpose.
To me, the primary reason for blogging is a daily reflection towards the happenings of a life. A post is like a review and a reflection. That's the why I blog. I seldom blog about what happened, but normally on what happened within me. I felt that that's more important for one's development and takes it to a deeper level.
Labels: blog
me thinks the ground is flat
Before the sky comes falling down and droplets of cloud seep to the ground,
before the world caves in, before love sins,
refrain from letting it all go,
with all might take what i hold
with my deepest knowledge knowst,
im not going to let it all blow.
Move it and keep going!
Labels: awakening
male head of household
And he made his aim to send all his kids to university. Despite his strain in finances, he persuaded them to go overseas even if it's a voluptuous burden. The path had'nt been easy, he wrote the pages himself, he achieved it with resourcefulness and wit. Out of his children, 3 went to america for their respective degrees and masters. When you realize that he doesn't live in a terrace, or a bungalow, nor does he have luxuries, nor does he have a servant, but instead stayed at a 3-room for 8 people, you have a newfound respect.Labels: awakening, family, love
Train hard and expect success.
Investment is dedicating your personal property to something else in hopes of higher returns. And for everything it's quite universal.
Train hard and expect success.
And your "play safe" tactic had been the stupidest I've seen for such a long while. It did you no good, no good.
Labels: awakening
He was bright, confident, he was young. An attractive young lad, who'd had so much before him. Married a wonderful wife, set out to start a successful business, to earn a living, more than food on the table, more than roofs above heads. Worked hard and achieved much, as it goes: no pain, no gain. Was never a late night worker, was never an empire-forger, was never an asset-conquerer. An efficient manager, an upright man, an outgoing, respected man.His days caught up, his eyes go weary, his breath shortened ever so slightly with the rise and fall of the sun; health deteriorates, people fall ill. Despite his success, the single thing he cared for was the family he built with his wife. Nothing else really matters, nothing else parred in importance, nothing else was closer to his heart. He loved them, cared for them, fed them. Nothing was more important than the unitary knit among the brothers and sisters, the parents and children.There was once he was sick, and he asked his son a question. And it's not just the answer, but too, the question which reflected within him. His greatest love of all. Despite everything he'd DONE for, the only thing which mattered is the ones he LOVED, and he spent his life trying to forge that love. I was never there before, I can't fully understand it. It brings a new dimension to life and I started reflecting: was success and recognition all so important, in the looming waves of death which we can't always surf on? Why do everyone seem to neglect the family they came from?I can't fully understand it, I've never been there before. But I'm forever grateful I'm given a chance to learn it.Labels: family, love
michael clayton
I haven't much time left awake, gotta succumb to the "disease" of siesta. So I'll be done in a trice.
In short, a increasingly suspenseful thriller, with powerful, convincing twists and perfect narrative drive. Definitely one of the best films. But not the best I've watched. It though keeps you at your seat's edge, it isn't the type of suspense which keeps you on your toes.
George's portrayal was accurate, up with his job of portraying characters with miens of professionalism. With the Oceans' series, this is certainly one of them. But I personally felt Tilda performed her part as a supporting actress than George performed his as the lead actor. George is a rather static character in the film, and hence not too much character development to talk about (although it's a good amount, but that's perhaps as far as its potential), but the director cleverly used this to develop other characters, like Tilda's character, and Arthur, never forgetting to underline the severity of this conspiracy.
Cinematography was GREAT, but not excellent like what we see in movies like V for Vendetta or Sunshine. The music was also complementary, it's one of the few films which made me want to download the soundtrack. Concordantly, the all made me go "whoa" several times in the film as filmmakers use other characters to counter-develop George's wit and intelligence. Most of all, despite all these outstanding developmental aspects of the film, the plot, circumstances and story was remarkably
realistic. And it's not very easy to make a successful conspiracy-busting film without crossing the border to fantasy.
So well, another film in my recommended list so far in 2008 (not arranged in any fashion):
-American Psycho
-Michael Clayton
-Empire of the Sun
Labels: reviews
I've been missing church for 4 weeks. FOUR freaking weeks! It's been so long since I've stepped to the audi, and i miss church man. So i really hope that i can wake up tomorrow (the fact that i'm saying this qualifies me for a wheelchair) on time to go church. What's so hard to get up at 8 when i've done it many times besides school? I think it's seriously time to change this habit man.
But it's always this way. That you're always welcome, that you're always befriended, that no one leaves you out. The first 2 are correct, not the latter(est). Not that i feel this way now, but some of my pals, and including myself in the past, do and had felt this way. It's easy to make a politically correct statement, and all it does it to make it harder to prove. We always say "we will", but honestly, will we?
I guess this is a problem, a normal human problem.. or at least i hope, and i think I'm right. Cos i've been there before? Bummer.
Oh talking about missing something, I can't dance to my school's dance night choreography "
missing you"! FREAK and i miss that dance so much. I'll take it and play it against itself "i can't stop missing you". But actually, I had foreseen this coming. It's the consequence of liking all the dances. One has to go :( Other than that, I think this dance night will turn out really well, unanimously voted the best performance in FOA. I hope this to be true of myself, and for my dancemates, and for the club. I hope the utility gained from the performance far outweighs it's purchasing power on anything else.
The PPP of SG$ must be forever altered by the landmark presentation from Dance Venia.
Labels: church, dance, events
to what extent?
I used to criticize things around me, not for my misfortune but rather behavior which i don't really like. But after pulling out to another's perspective, I've found that I've been really hypocritical.
As it's one's paradigm which dictates his perspectives and behavior, I have been using mine to judge others many a time. And praise the Lord, I don't do it so often. There are many things I will have some say about, be it friendship, traffic, crowded bus, airheads blablabla, I will most certainly have an opinion on.
This finding led me to question on how far should we impose our beliefs on others? If we do it too far, I will call it a sin against rights, but if we do nothing, things just go the way they are, and most of the time it isn't good. Recently I found out on this movement about rights and harmony. It preaches harmony and total acceptance towards the partner. As beautiful as it sounds, it may be far too idealistic in my opinion. How can we stand aside and let loan sharks slaughter your neighbors, thinking "it's their way of carrying things out, i don't know what's going on, i'll leave it to them"? How could your neighbors think "yes, we forgot to pay the debt, and we deserve punishent, and since punishment, to them, is death, we might as well accept it since they control the money."
That's if we do nothing. But there's a reverse effect of doing too much. Leading to conflicts, criticism of even the most constructive nature are turned as daggers upon each other. And secondly, over-depriving of one's rights is, to me just like a sin against a person. Using our paradigm to view their world is well inaccurate and rather hypocritical as it's equally inaccurate and wrong for the other to do the same to you. The problem may never be solved, you'll get outcasted, in the end, no one has achieved nothing. One must be aware that however much morals do appear absolute, they are indisputably not completely absolute.
I think it's up to one to judge. By all means if an action is morally wrong, we should take our stance. Some are practitioners of deontology, for whatever action which the law despises would be put down. Some are utilitarians, for whichever action brings the most satisfaction to the crowd will be the appropriate one. As for me, i believe in ethical altruism and virtue theory, though highly questionable on their authenticity when applied to the individual and when taking the disparity in opinions towards morals and ethics.
Labels: ethics
I like to do reflections a few days after my events so i don't forget them.
From the 5th to the 8th June, i've been devoting myself to pro-bonoism, volunteering in a camp for the intellectually disabled. As much as I gave them, I felt that the roles of beneficiary-mentor are reversed. What i've learnt from them, is far more than they did from me.
My benefactor was this 38 year old salesman who ISN'T mentally disabled. He sells objects of art made by the disabled. What strikes me, besides his thin-ness, is his optimistic and openness towards life. He seemed to find something to be happy about in every seemingly ugly picture in life. While we are fiery and passionate, he was just so optimistic. And it lets me to confirm, that happiness is found within one's own outlook to life; one is only unfortunate if he sees himself to be. Though he was born normal, and had his nervous system wrecked due to fever, thus losing control of his feel and fingers, he never showed a gloomy face, always there to enlighten, and well, he was kinda like sidharta.
But however, taking care of him was hard, and i get my first glimpse to taking care of these people. A toilet business could easily take 20-30 minutes. Showering takes 40 minutes. And then i really respected his family members for taking so good care of him, and lets me introspect the basics, the importance and the meaning of charity.
What is it? Is it organizing the camp well and make sure everything goes smoothly? Or is it trully caring for each other and the beneficiaries with all your might and all your heart? Will we be able to carry this out out of the camp? this is what led to my deep self-reflection and introspection.
I hate to further elaborate on how fortunate I am, to even have 4 limbs, to even have an eccentric and complex mind, and furthermore, would aspire for great heights in dance. Sometimes I miss out the preciously simple things in life contrasting with my oblivious and ignorant conscience.
Who am I to say that I dream, for the efforts I put in to my aspirations isn't worth a mustard seed they worked for their lives?Should I be more altruistic? I pray hard.
Labels: charity, resolutions
the fountain
I blogged this right after watching "the fountain". 2 word review: outstandingly fantastic.
Words can't quantify the chastity, the art, the beauty of the film. Not many films qualify for this description. I don't believe it's a popular film, even though it's great in my opinion, it isn't like how the bats were released in 2005. You either hate it, or love it, this is a film grapples with the vanity of human existence, love and mortality, and eternity. Again it's not any typical film one will expect, it doesn't have the plot-problem-proposal-punishment typical film outline, but that doesn't make it less captivating.
This film didn't really have a long and firm storyline, but rather, fuses 3 time frames into one main body so beautifully, cinematography is perfection. Though one would expect events and narration to bridge these 3 different time zones, the story does it through symbols and performing (acting and stuff) itself which binds tightly with the central theme.
Hugh Jackman's performance was... phenomenal. I can't describe or parallel it in any way. I've heard of his convincing and accurate portrayals, and I'm too convinced this one of them. Rachel Weisz couldn't do much, but she portrayed her parts accurately.
This film, to me is like a knit of cloth, a tight knit. Everything comes together for each other so well. I'm amazed on how the director is able to achieve such a feat and tell the vanity of mortality in such complicatedly simple, peacefully violent way. This film, however, may not leave you laughing, smiling or feeling fulfilled at the ending, but rather, leads to you deeply think about life. I was personally overwhelmed by this film.
Another thing i must comment is the music. It draws the atmosphere, and brings the feelings into the film like none other. I seldom see music done such a great job in films.
However, the trailer for this film is a little misleading, which led me to feel a little disappointed as the film progressed till the middle part due to my expectations. This isn't really a love story (though it has major theme(s) of love) as the trailer depicted it to be.
Finally, the score. Well, i decided the old matrix wasn't appropriate, so, I'll just grade it by cinematography (the discipline of using lighting and camera choices when filming), portrayal (which includes script and acting), directing (which includes the artistic and creative aspects of the film), story (I'll grade it on the depth of development rather than the idea itself, for i believe a simple idea well developed outshines a complex idea superficially narrated)
total: 55/60or 93.3%Labels: reviews
Problem with inert knowledge
Recently I've been studying a little about Zhuge Liang on my own. Zhuge Liang is one of the most famous and successful military strategists. A man of great knowledge of "heavens and earth" (but ironically questioning the heavens about his death).
I can't really
tell you how smart he is. He knows so much as if to have obtained psychology, geology honorary degrees, not accounting his great intelligence to use another's strength against himself, to see through others' strategies and use them against themselves. But all his intelligence are not independent of many important factors. He had a great understanding and familiarity with the world.
I'm not sure what we results-chasers will achieve after graduation. Acquirement of knowledge aims to make us better understand the universe. However the rush-hour studying had led us to little, only higher relevance in this achievement-oriented world. This rush had made us understand little, but claim to know much. Inert knowledge accumulates more than what one can think of, or claim to know. Even I, myself had absorbed much inert knowledge. This is knowledge that's unevaluated, unreflected, un-understood even if we could achieve these 3. Knowledge had never been power to me, applied knowledge is power.
If one's knowledge is strictly bound the confines of what he's supposed to know, what he needs to know, without evaluating, without reflecting, without truly applying, what's the use of knowledge? What's the difference between a street-smart and a book-smart person? It's his knowledge of how to work his way around, about and within the society and world at large.
Labels: knowledge